Magic Johnson steps down due to presure from Lavar Ball

 Guy Baldwin
   Magic Earvin Johnson is a former NBA star that has suffered and lived with aids for some two decades and despite the stress and sex of a former NBA lifestyle Mr Johnson decided to take an NBA executive position he was obviously not qualified. Magic Johnson had enough and decided after under two years to call it kaput. Magic Johnson could not take the heat and stress from Alpha males such as Lavar Ball and his son and the friction future hall of famer and court side jester snob
Lebon James was for this organization and all the dram that was a miserable failed year for the Los Angeles Lakers in 2018. Magic couldn't decide whether to fire and let loose Luke Walton and the Lakers would of been better off if O J Simpson was named head coach prior to the NBA season. Lavar Ball was angered all season as his sons playing ability and court time declined and the progression of Lonzo Ball as one of the elite NBA ballers is not occurring at the pace for the Shoe company owner looking to get publicity and sell 900 dollar pair of sneakers to debt-ridden young kids throughout America. Lavar Ball and Lebron James bickering and infighting made Magic decide he had enough of this bullshit and wished no longer to be a part of this system and organization and he can join the Los Angles Clippers or something else and be free of this drama.

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