Dave Berkson
Kristaps Porzingis is a player for the Dallas Mavericks and like many over paid athletes a likely sexual predator as privileged and desirous and free access to women's private parts is a common thought process of these entitled stars of professional sports. Billionaire rotten dirtbag technocrat Mark Cuban was quoted recently addressing the rape allegations against one of his players in a confusing race t where eve. The reporters asked this wacko eccentric l prick what it was he w as appealing about.
Mark Cuban said everyone needs to use common sense when addressing these rapes allegations and the up grand hush money allegedly paid by Kristaps Porzingis to his victim who he abducted outside a bar and took her to his high rise and just took her during for a terrifying might of rape and torture.
Cuban seemed tight lip and there is a federal investigation into this brutal tape by this National basketball league player and Cuban interjecting stupid silly comments only lead to the confusion. This player is likely a favorite for the embittered billionaire who has faced his own sexual assault allegations. Mark Cuban and other plutocratic bastards of the sports world ownership wish to bypass the law and give men of status and athletic accomplishment to have the ability to bypass laws no matter how egregious they are and the pain it causes for the victim.
Cuban likely acquired this scumbag rapist Kristapos Porzingis likely hearing about his rape allegations and having sympathy with this son of a bitch baller. Cuban kept talking about having common sense and whether he was speaking about Dan Carlin's podcast or whatever it just didn't make sense and once again proves what a psycho dumb ass open border immigration jackass Mark Cuban is in addition to being a rapist sympathizer. Mark Cuban is a dumbass who thinks because people have money they should have free access to migrate to America and spend on the one percent in tribute no matter how hair brain and mosey losing their entrepreneurial projects are that they can only get off ground in America living off free loans and money form the banking urban classes. These businesses should always give thanks to the corrupt Democratic party and corruption of this country overall and Cuban is only a billionaire because of the fake over-valuation of his tech company that he eventually sold off to liberal Yahoo in a ponzi scheme form hell of printed money and monopoly dollars given for foreign interests to set up scam business in America , Mark Cuban is a rapist and a scumbag always has been one and always will and talk of his ever running and becoming president is gorilla dust of the one percent billionaire global class.
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