Nathan Stopleman shows video that predicted Norts Dame destruction by Muslims and blasts Chicago's pedo pope Father Michael Pfleger

Woody Underwood
   What it is. Father Michael Pfleger is a local priest local racial agitator priest and he remarked how quickly people raised money to rebuild the Norte Dame cathedral and instead feels it should go to Black ghettos in America. Father Pfleger already misses the point the Black community already gets massive donors and this money usually goes to the lies of rap stars like Nippsey Hussle and the Game for them to decide how it gets distributed and recently Lift the Veil host Nathan Stolpman talked about the massive donor money the French are raising for this beautiful building and how some on-lie commentator and video maker named Cicada 1331 predicted the fire at Notre Dame in a video he did way back in the nineties. Why would people rather give to ignorant uneducated poor communities than to something like the cathedral of Notre Dame and once again Father Pfleger is playing a race card and interjecting himself somewhere he doesn't belong because he is a fucking idiot.
Nathan played the video and remarked how eerily familiar it looked to when the Spire fell down although Stolpman should realize and what it is it and not play up this similar looking video as leftist Rock N Roll stars long sought to replace and did so successfully worship for their acts over Christianity. I am sure many a deranged rock star long called for the eventual burning of churches through the years in sing and video so this replay of an old music video and conspiracy talk should not be so
surprising. Stopleman also bashed Chicago's very own father molester as why would people donate to the West and South sides of Chicago where business  flee for a reason as no business wishes to get held up daily and Blacks would burn any billions of improvement and investment anytime a Chicago policeman shoots a suspect to defend himself aand his life. If any church should be burned it is St Sabina as it is home of this American hating prick Father Pfleger who is a total racist and agitates
Black people to kill and commit crime agianst White people and I had a dream like Martin Luther King that this church did indeed burn down with Father Flaker in it and this would be his just reward given the role and years this pries pedo demon has played in pushing for a hate filled divisive country we see in mainly cities of America. If Stolpman had a t shirt with this image of Pfleger burning man in St Sabina in Chicago's South Side I would buy five.

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