Armando Arturo
Over 307,000 tons of wood are burnt in over-priced pizzerias around the world ads global restaurant profiteers are opening up bad paper type wood-flamed pizza which is insane. The pizza by wood-fire stoves are a environmental disaster thanks to burning wood for pizza and researchers like professor Prashant Kumar are sounding the alarm and wondering why people can't get their pizza the old fashion way and that being baked in an oven. Kumar doesn't like pizza and really thinks pizza cooked in this fashion is palying its part in warming the planet and recently he lead a team of researchers to look at the impact of cooking pizza in this wood-fire manner as all of these woody fire piazza places are opening up
everywhere. Scientists went to Sao Paulo and recorded significant levels of pollution in this city that has worked to us more sugarcane ethanol ,gasohol, and soya diesel in their vehicles and become greener. Prashant and his aids couldn't believe it as they walked the streetds and saw the estimated
80,000 pizzerias almost all exclusively burning wood and the wood-fire tradition as elites and snobs think this is superior ahhh to say a Fat s Dominoes or Little Caesars. Prashant and his team suggest the massive number of pizzerias burning wood and cooking half-baked pizza are part of the problem as they walked and wined and dined themselves for a couple of months in research grants and eating this awful crisp ungewey pizza. The team says globalization and the restauratization of pizza and everything has lead to huge gains in emissions in this mega city despite the trends of lowering vehicle exhaust and elsewhere and this trend of pizza burning into the atmosphere is being repeated in other elite mega-cities with economies based on debt and over-spending on luxury food and eating out hob nobbing of the upper social castes. These wood-fire pizzas need to be outlawed or regulated and in no way should one city have so many of these business establishments all committing massive amounts of unnecessary and as Mr Kumar points out these pizza businesses are burning the equivalent of hundreds of eucalyptus forests every moth for this bad tasting pizza. In other words they are burning equivalent of ten thousand trees or more in order to make 80000 pizza just in the downtown of Sao Paulo.
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