President Trump comes to Green Bay and bashes Jussie Smollett and previous scum in government

     Ed West
   President Trump came to Green Bay and had another smashing rally where he finally made mention of shitty foreign-controlled Chicago and how it endangers and is a shame for the nation. Trump blasted some two bit horrendous actor and singer for staging a hate crime and false accusation against those who wish to make America a great nation.
This rally in Green Bay that we attended may have been Donald Trump's best and is a clear example of why he is in power and we need someone of his extreme in this age of the economic warlords and media crazies thinking they have the nobility and entitlement to dictate politics for hundreds of millions of people. Their resistance is fueled on maintaining the current position and all of the profits of a scrambled order of economics and those in charge hijacking a political party that was once for the working classes. The Democrats long supported the business class that worked to ship jobs to China and attempt to build up that nations dictatorial brutal authoritarian horrific style of governance on its subjects.
   Donald Trump proceeded to attack Jussie Smollett for his false accusations and compared the light-skinned homosexual to another one who looks,talks, and resembles him and is an anchor at CNN. Trump's speech also told of the amount of people resigning at the Department of Justice and who like Kimm Foxx and Jussie Smollett are scum of the Earth. The Democrats and the liars in media and entertainment are running unhinged and it was great to hear Trump call them out and explain exactly why they hate the MAGA hat and what it really represents to them as pro-globalists and having the nations economy tilt towards their continuing abuses and advantages to the masses.

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