Psychopath Professor Richard Wolff says these are the days fascism is on rise

        Frank Banks II
   Left-wing nutjob communist professor of the New York of  Barn  burning Dr Richard Wolff recently has a program where he compared all of the major conservative leaders and did the usual comparison and name calling many those chard Wolff used the F word and suffering form far-left disease of progressive. Dr Richard Wolff used the F word and called Rodrigo Duture, Jair Bolosanaro,Donald Trump, Viktor Urban and any other right wing leader that advocates traditional conservative leadership as a fascist and a Nazi. This is the game tactic of liberals and globalists who incidentally Dr Wolff had no criticism of the authoritarian leadership and insanity of more radical leaders such as
Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Marcon, and Nicolas Maduro and so forth. Dr Richard Wolff is a nutty professor without a real college and is a socialist  con-job doing his little part to add to the division and partisan politics with his NAZI smears and lies that we are so accustomed to hearing form our favorite little walnut on-line in the YouTube and podcasting sphere .Dr Wolff goes into along lone of dictators who were on the right political spectrum who engaged in mass killing but again Mr Bias ignores the million and millions of those killed by socialists such as himself including Po Pot,Joseph Stalin, Lenin, Mao and so forth and this is the type of bullshit kids get in academia and history that are often funded by tax payers in state universities and so forth. Dr Wolff is crazier than a wolf with rabies and is unhinged and unfit to be even a propagandist professor of horseshit and doggie doo. Dr Wolff is like many liberals and utterly quite amazingly losing his mind and despite this he still gathers interviews and press releases and programs on a weekly basis making mucho jingle and silver coins into his pockets for his hot air.

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