Bangledelshi-born immigrant who has been able to adapt and become Americanized Reihn Salam is getting some notoriety for a new book called " Melting Pot Or Civil War" , His new book looks at the growth of immigrant no-go zones in Europe and how many migrants in the West wish nothing to be like the host citizens of their respective countries and he worries and sees this same process in many immigrant communities in America especially the Minnesota Somalians who are nothing like the Viking descended people generations before who didn't stubbornly cling onto their culture and resit assimilation.
Reihn says we need a more skills-selection immigration process and quit ending the family reunification which basically means more religious large family poor nut jobs that have been the basis of our immigration system that relies heavily in religious organizations and large tight-knitted families. The crisis of our immigration system and that the low-skilled think they can walk in here and just be employed is something Reihan says the US must end and instead help produce low-skilled sustainable work for Central American migrants to stay South of the border and work there to improve productivity and the economy of their own country instead of coming to America and working in a car wash waxing a behemoth SUV and being on ones knees on the roof of the vehicle. Part of the reason I reckon so many large families migrate to the West is that resource extraction Inc have replaced many of these rural third-world people form their generational villages in order to get to the ground and whatever resources could be developed and profited for by these governments and
the west withing for cheaper petroleum or oil. Salam rightfully predicts and observes that lower-skilled driver occupation labor and immigrants are creating a permanent underclass perhaps as ignorant and dangerous as the sons and daughters of American slave descended populations who mock those who seek education as acting White. Salam says we are lucky not to have the permanent disgruntled brown underclass as seen in Europe and worries that the far-left and racial identity progressives seek to recruit and spread hate to our low-skilled immigrant population much have they done help spread hate and have it explode often through American born Blacks. Salam says low-skilled jobs are going away with automation and the days of cheap labor and plenty of jobs in America are coming to an end and the unassailable immigrants will be resentful setting he stage for a civil war or major civil disturbances among ethnicity as seen in much of the world today.
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