Rush Limbaugh blasts dumb California congressman Ted Lieu and liberal bastards including David Pakman

     Lionel Wagner
   Right-wing conservative radio host was angered at how the left celebrated Congressman Lieu's beretment  of Candace Owens as they held a special committee and spent money on nationalism and he played some edited version of her on a podcast. Rush Limbaugh pretty much tore into the left and the bias media reporting of Rachel Maddow and others as Limbaugh went particularity hard after the skinny twerp known as David Pakman. Most middle of ground people have stated that Lieu looked ridiculous and pretty much was called out for a manipulating lying asshole for playing a snippet and misquoting a rising star on the on-line masses.
Democrats like Lieu are desperate to discredit Candace Owens because she is speaking with a different voice and suggesting Blacks go in a different direction in politics and for this she has the hatred and disdain majorly form the liberal left.
David Pakman hates the fact hat he can never get a woman like Candace Owens in the bedroom and can only get gay  named Lewis Mexicans and lame White guys named Patrick and he could never nail a slender Black woman. Limbaugh said Lieu and liberals are just full of shit and that their agendas are always politically and misleading because this is what they stand for and often display proudly for themselves like the Argentine-Israeli twerp named Mr Pakman as Limbaugh spoke is desperate for donations an gets them mainly from speaking what his big donors to his program demand and this  is what he bases his program about.
David Pakman cannot debate Candace Owens as he often speaks about and blames Ms Owens for canceling as she would tear into his liberal ass as effectively as she tore into this pie-face California congressman.

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