Stupid associate professor Ryan Brewer of IUPUC makes claims of values of college basketball programs and gets left sharked

Runs with Cougar
   Associate professor of finance at the prestigious University Purdue of Columbus Indiana came out with a list of what college teams would be worth if on the free market and this list by obviously a low-down college fan is full of shit. If College basketball was replaced with a minor league one would really see what these teams are worth and according to this idiot associate fake professor Kentucky University would top the list at 342 million dollars.

This professor can list and throw values as anything he wasn't  and I highlight and make mention because this value claim by fake associate professor Ryan Brewer is not much different than the fake phony baloney values companies  often make claim that are false as if there was such value in basketball in Kentucky the Kentucky Colonels and the ABA would be a serious franchise and league.
a slave market system if college basketball where coaches get millions and players get nada. 
I could say the Bronx zoo if put on a market would be worth 400 million and the San Diego zoo ahh perhaps 230 millions dollars as it Lions and Bears are not as valuable and charming as what can be found in the New York borough and that has more of a population to put up advertising ahhh on the side oi animals and the camels.
Ryan Brewer is just some mope at a university with the radio call letters of IUPUC and he is IDUMB to have this list put out with what "HE" says the college teams are valued based on his bullshit calculations of cash-flow adjustments, risk assessments, etc etc. These colleges are mainly public supported and if any value be placed it should go back to the public and population that subsidizes the  institutions that have seen private dirty interests profit and hijack the sports programs and a socialized version of college sports where players get paid is much more needed than what dummy Brewer says about the value of essentially a slave system still in existence. I would be willing to put the University of Purdue/Indiana in Columbus as a value of ten thousand with shit head professors and associates of money hacks of finance like this clown Mr Brewer.

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