Father Michale Pfleger comes with Louis Farhkhan and declare their homosexuality for one another while calling Mark Zuckerberg satanic

    Zachary Zuckerberg

The  Minister Louis Farrakhan and Father Michael Pfleger are extreme radical phony religious leaders using th ebully of the pulpit to molest thousands of kids between themselves in a sick alliance of pedophile and the two men recently got together as the minister of racism and anti-antisemitism was invited to speak at Father Pflegers shit hole Catholic church in the South Side called St Sabina. Father Pfgleger is a racial agitator and self-hater defining himself with the gutter religious leader and race hustler geriatric jackass who doesn't know his ass from his mouth. Mr Louis Farhkhan will make the world a better place when he is gone and with his maker and God the shit Elijah Muhammad and without a doubt this sick queer must of molested many little Afro-Negro little Muhammeds long converts to this neurotic and eccentric money cult called the Nation of Islam where this shit head take sin all of his flocks money to talk shit on Whites and Jews. Make no mistake these two disturbed religious leaders are gayer that Liberace and have done rim shots and shit parties with one another on many occasions both in St Sabina and in Farrakhan temple of hate.
Farrakhan ruthlessly attacked Mark Zuckerberg and called Jews belong to two groups of either satanic Jews or good Jews and after his banning Mr Fairykhan and Father Homo called Mark Zuckerberg the evilest of all Jews for his gall of insulting the minister Louis Farhkhan by outright banning his hate-promoting asshole. Father Michael Pfleger also showed the worm he is as he is another creep that used his pulpit not only to advocate for local drug dealers empowerment but also for pushing his fingers and gadgets into little boys in the St Sabina area and flock. Father Pfleger and Minster Farrakhan are both sicker than dogs that eat their own shit and both men not need to even be mentioned when speaking or talking but continually are by the mainstream local Chicago media. Mark Zuckerberg is having none of Minister Fuckakhan's shit on his platform and I have advised my brother that Father Pfleger as well should have his wannabee cock sucking ass banned as well

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