Glen Beck predicts Mexican invaders will start confiscating land on the border and he is considering a run for president

Tony Miselli
  Money Speak
   The Mexican beaner peon has no money and food and they along with their Central American brethren are considering making the move North as was done by past generations in a silent log term take over. Glen Beck says the Democrats are doing absolutely nada and will continue to do nothing on security and the host of the Blaze says sooner or later these illegals will be killing farmers as is done in SOut Africa by a psychotic racial identity land-hungry people.
 Glen Beck says we need a strong leader willing to expose and fight for protecting  Southern border as he says thousands are making the purge into and eventually there will be deaths given the recent history of mass killing within Mexico's contemptuous society where people are disappearing by the thousands per month as this nation of Skull worshipers and celebrators seeks to expand as they are incapable of  providing food for themselves. Glen Beck is seriously considering running for president as he feels that president Trump is not doing enough an
d should be putting warriors on the border and withdrawing them from overseas. even if defeated Glen Beck will grow his Blaze broadcasts and brands and he among others are trying to highlight to brain-dead uncaring Americans that their country and home is at risk with the potential loss as MS 13 gang members wish to move and franchise their gang and cause the same havoc in America as they have caused in their native Banana  Republic failed states filled with brown people killing one another.

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