Dork Jimmy Dore defends towel-headed Islamo fascist terrorist funding export state of Iran

  Ed West
Jimmy Dore is rarely listened to outside of the left alternative media and he put out a twenty minute video live in the hostile politically charged city of Austin,Texas. Jimmy Dore defended Iran like no other media personality who shows a map over and over again of American military bases but never shows one of the number of Iran-supplied fighting groups outside if Iran that essentially are Iranian bases of firepower and terror. Jimmy Dore is a propagandist of the lamest extreme and nothing was original in his live remote in Austin ,Texas as the little viewed YouTube runt and a team of fellow unfunny comedians and Jimmy Boy is wither dumb as a brick or ignorant of the danger posed by this expansionist terrorist network.
Jimmy Dore seems to forget Iran is the top enemy and we have tried to work for them for years but this evil  this theocracy continues to play a double game while bidding time to develop nuclear  weapons and empower itself and its bases and networks with fellow Shiite radical thinkers and terrorist organizations within the Middle East. A fuck Face like Jimmy dweeb Dore would of been making propaganda for the imperial Empire of Japan is allowed to do so and would resist the idea of going to war with Japan ans they slaughtered Chinese civilians. Jimmy played that Wesley Clark video on the free-thinking Democracy propaganda Now propaganda form many many moons ago of talking about regime change in seven nations as this is some sort of proof because some disgruntled former retired and retarded general had some paper and file which we are let to believe and why wouldn't we want regime change for a nation such as Iran and one ruled by Iraq whose own brutality was well-established under Saddam Hussein and Jimmy Dore wished not to mention nor feel a need to say was a call.
If anything the United States and its allies have been guilty in avoiding war making situations prolonged and numerous problems occur and these anti-war activists need tog et over war is a practicality and has been in human history never going to go away anytime soon no matte how much the Reverend Jimmy dore and his church of jackass poreaches to fellow liberals in the shit international bastion of anti-Americanism that is Austin,Texas.
A jackass like Jimmy Dore wishes for a world filled with hostile nations and crazies like ayatollah Komenia and Saddam Hussein with their imagery all over and people forced to pay tribute and homage always having to look a these brutal dictator and this explains his open willing hostility of the American empire that prevents this form occurring.

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