Alexis Tspiras knows his time is coming to an end after his far-left radical socialist party in Greece took a drubbing in the latest EU parliamentary elections and he called for quick elections in order to save his presidency hoping to confuse the average Greek citizen that these were part two of the same EU elections and hoping a few would show up. Alex Tsipras figures the latest t polling shows him way behind the conservative parties of Greece and it sis doubtful that Alex Tsipras and his Syriza party will even get more votes than Golden Dawn supposed Nazis but in actual right-wing versions of left-wing extremism and the counterweight to Tsipras and his Syriza party.
Syriza will take a drubbing because Alex tried to raise taxes in order to give more welfare and benefits to Roma Gypsies, Afghans, Albanians, Iranians, and other illegal invaders of Greece and his party right now is as popular in Greece as a hyena thrown into a Lion exhibit in the Detroit zoo. Alexis knows his time is up and right now he is planning on his political future and it he thinks will be in America. Alexis sees the success built up and network of homo Pete Mayor of South Bend,Indiana and he sees himself as a possible replacement as mayor of SB and will seek to follow in the same footsteps set forth by mayor Pete Buttigieg. Alexis is planning on running and forming the Syriza party in America as viable third party option and will run for president in the United States by 2024 after what he hopes is a successful term becoming the next mayor of the shit hole home of Notre Dame and South Bend,Indiana.

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