Cody Maloney
Right-wing radio host and up and comer You tuber Andy Warski is a internet alternative news rocjkstar and he came aboard his award winning radio show bashing the political speakers propaganda speaking complex and two of the main voices of attention and money flow to propagate lies against the United States . Warski said that Jeremy Scahill and Cornell West are two rotten sick individuals in alliance with our enemies of industry and economy to practically bash America and society to demoralize this nation and to be subversive to it.

Warski says Jeremy Scahill wishes for our military to be weak and our enemies empowered including tyrannical rule to preside over much of the world and we should not get involved in areas of none of our concern and the real oppressor and authoritarians are the likes of Jeremy Scahill and Cornell West that would love to see Saddam Hussein and ahh Indonesia's Sukarno for example... despotic murdering regimes to be the preeminent type of governments around the eorld.
In another era this piece of shit would be a pirate cutthroat piece of shit and if Jeremy Scahill hates this country and America Warski. says Scahill and the shit head Cornell West wish to support inequality and big tech because they want progressive liberal billionaires to have total control and repress free speech on the masses for total control. Scahill and Cornell west are two fuck asses funded by the movement that seeks to spread partisianism.

seek to empower Facebook and Google for mass control of thought and speech and West and Scahill are two of the most dangerous shits around for their ability to spread lies and division. Andy also attacked Dr West professor of racial agitation and insurrection at Harvard University who goes around the country with the same speech and spread of anti-Americanism and extreme radical leftist beliefs attacking capitalism and spreading Black racism and nationalism. Warski wonders why there is not more criticism of the Black supremacist and obsessions of Dr West and clearly how this man is funded by those wishing to sub verse this country.

Warski can't believe hopw long Dr West has been a voice of critical ideology at everything this country stands for and says Dr Cornel East don't like anything. he is a man who would racism under his own uncleaned dirty finger nails and the Harvard Black professor social justice lieutenant has always been jackass misinformation clown always will be and is one of the publishing and speaking propaganda networks biggest
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