In the late sixties and seventies an obscene amount of murder and mayhen were being committed by Black American in numerous sex crimes and attacks in a coordinated and orchestrated violent retribution cmapiaghn of pure evil. More and more of these unsolved murders and rapes ar ebeing discovered and the perpetuators being caught finally if not shamefully way too late and in Virgrina Beach a brutal crime committed in the early seventies was finally solved. Ernest Boardnax was arrestee last month after DNA ties him to the brutal stabbing and savage death of theae two
vacationing girls names who were unaware with the brutality on store with them anfd dangers posed by black demons on America. Mr Boardnax is an eighty year old demon that will finally have his day in court and answer for his hatred and brutal murder of these girls in a society that long accepted Black crime and hate against the innocent victims and in this case maybe there was complicity and denial allowing these evil force let loose as one must wonder how many more were killed by this savage Black man in the South or New York. How and why men like this are not caught right away is never going to be understood and police should of done a better job screening those living near by and in murders like this mo times it will be committed by Black strangers to the victims. The amount of white victims to Black deranged mass killers far exceeds any lynching's over a eight year period in the South most of whom were committed against people not because they had black skin but because they were accused and in all likelihood committed brutal crimes as Mr Ernest Broadnax had committed against Lynn Seethaler and Janice Pietropola and the vast majority of violent stranger rape slashing crimes such as this one in Virginia Beach oin 1973 are committed by Blacks such as this man obsessed with retribution for slavery. One will never come across White males committing these crimes against women of other races and the question needs to be posed why so many Blacks commit crimes like this and if this is the reason through the generations they have earned their disdain and repression as a tugish cultish race with demonic thoughts and actiosn to commit on the whim.
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