Howard James Kuntstler evaluates mental health of Democrats, Jose Biden, and Trevor Noah

     Leonardo McGregor
   Famed Author James Howard Kuntsler wrote a piece very critical of Joe Biden and the mental health aspects of the identity moment and their stranglehold  the American party. Kuntsler says Biden's son was rewarded with a  rare opportunity for an American to own some Chinese state assets and clearly Joe Biden got his son in this position for the loyalty the Biden wing and Joe Biden has shown towards China helping build up its economic engine and export business.
James Howard has stated a mental health evaluation of all Democratic members of congress are needed and loyalty test demanded with a full investigation into the political aspects of their transgressions and whether they are meant primarily to hold of to supply power and financial gains for Chinese and other
internationalist. The international class protrudes through all aspects of business sand media and James Howard particularly blasted late night television hosts and propagandists such as Trevor Noah, a East African with no history of television in America and installed their loyal foreign puppet into a top time slot on American programming. Trevor Noah was born ahh like in North Africa or East Africa or somewhere in that shit hole continent and really has no business with his  nightly take eon politics and tariffs put forth on the nation of Mexico. Late night television has been hijacked by the leftists and racial and gender identity madness and no amount of low absentee viewing will ever change this as the forces of socialism and the left conspired to dramatically change the media landscape in this nation.  As Howard Kuntsler says we will never hear Trevor Noah take a critical examination why the fuck Joe Biden's son got such a luxury and lucrative corporate gig in Mother China and Joe Biden would naturally be a candidate to serve the economic fortunes of the fortune cookie country and natural economic tsunami that is Red China. A president Biden would primarily serve the political interests of Mexico and China and he would be a more stronger voice and policy advocate for these two nations than a Andrew Lopez-Ocasio  Pollo and Xi Jingpieface can ever dream and accomplish in their nativestans. The Democrats and a Joe Biden are not American or for it.

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