Many of my favorite Youtube rock star hosts ar starting to sound like the punk and ick Scott Horton more concerned with war being waged against a NAZI like cult state and theocracy evil government located in Iran. Kevin James of the Red Elephants was the latest one as he promoted the debate between Sean Hannitty and Pat Buchanan and then promoted several books by this former presidential contender and American fire brander. Kevin James wishes like others to protect the Islamic State of Iran which exists thanks to massive Russian meddling and financing to overthrow an ally and in actuality this war should of occurred in 1979 and if red idiot Kevin James and others think we should sit back and watch Iran grow rich without sanctions build up their arsenal and nuke capabilities and then use it to repeat the process of allied destruction then James needs his head and rectal examined at the same time by a Polynesian witch doctor. I reckon that James, Stopleman, Horton, and Tim Pool are all noe getting funding and mullah money that has flowed by the international socialists to fund and supply the Islamic fascist NAZI regime in Iran for political purposes at home knowing full well the political propaganda enabled by a Great war in the region that is provoked by the crazies of a religious disorder in Persia that are not even representative of the people ion the region because they live ion a totalitarian terrorist state .

The Islamic Nazis in Iran wish to repeat 1979 in all of our Gulf allies ahhh where we get the oil from and established patterns of alliances that take years to create and establish and whether this jackass Red Elephant likes it or not war with this regime will eventually take place as they have never sought to stop the spread of their revolution and strict views of Islam to other parts of the region.
The fact is the overthrow of the Shah was the beginning of the Shiite war on American,our allies, and Sunnis in the region and Iran is ramping up the attacks to shipping and surveillance in the region because the sanctions are having an affect and it is becoming more desperate to fund their proxy terrorist organizations in Lebanon and Yemen and the cultural Marxists are protecting this regime because they hate the West and the US military so much. It is just surprising that Kevin James and Nathan Stopleman are now been swayed to protect the Islamo fascists.
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