Arnold Armstrong

WGN radio host Nick Digilio came aboard his little listened to radio program in Chicago and finally talked politics and global events for a change in stead of his usual bullshit banter on movies and television. Digilio talked about how cool Arnold Schwarzenegger is and commented don his new YouTube channel and promotion of green technologies making parody videos mocking th dirty fossil fuel industry and continuing sales of big gas guzzlers and trucks/SUVS . Digilio says if Arnold Scwarzenegger was American-born he would of been in his third term of presidency by now and Nick says the problem with politics is there are not more celebrities and he took phone calls asking for people which celebrity they would like to see run for the presidency. Nick Digilio is a star-obsessed shit and clearly would voe for anyone seen in major films if they ran for the presidency.

Digilio also talked of how George Clooney would be a natural especially given the actors strong interest in politics and he wonders why Mr Clooney has not run for a major public office and just called it a career for his acting career Nick says Georges movies have sucked recently and he should concentrate on other stuff and purchasing an Vodka brand in a step in the right direction. George Clooney also wold get like 80% of the female vote by data produced by the Nick D WGN team and he would win easily the traditionally Blue states of California.Washington,New York,Illinois, and New Jersey and he thinks the hicks in the South and Central states along with the loggerheads in the crucial state of Oregon would vote for a Clooney presidency over Donald Trump.
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