Herbert Gilbert
ASAP Rocky couldn't believe it as Swedish authorities came and arrested his ass and that of his huge bodyguard after a video incident went viral of they attacking the man on a Swedish street. Asap was accustomed to American justice where wealthy entertainers of drug dealers can get off scott free especially in blue large cities for the beat down his posse delivered and when he was actually cuffed and stuffed and sent to a Swedish hen house he became all snowflakely crying like the bitch portrayed in the movie Shawshack redemption.
The influence of the rap drug-profiting and laundering industry is setting free one of their beloved own in this massive campaign that has drawled in president Trump himself to meddle into the affairs of Swedish justice system. ASAP Rocky another thug rap cocky bastard privileged man of bad music of rap that the Jewish global banking cartels have besteemed favored preference over other music forms far superior and necessary of actual talent. ASAP Rocky is a shit head who went to Sweden with a Carte Blanche attitude that he and his posse can act and do as they please as they can do in American sanctuary money blue states and cities. Asap is on trial now with the men attacked by ASAP Rocky Balboa wannabee and his crew able to give their facts as to what transpired that night and Sweden does not have American style court or bail systems where outlaw wealthy shits like ASAP Kelly can get out of jail for free like the monopoly game and then purchase a appropriate verdict for themselves as is done in America.
Mr Rocky was stunned that he has to live in a four by six cold cell and eat breadcakes and water for meals and the United States should replicate the prison conditions of this nation that Bernie Sanders and other far-left oculists lie as saying their desires to implement socialism in America would be little different. Donald Trump should realize other nations have their own court and justice systems and no amount of money and bail out should allow Asap Rocky rap internationalists to escape justice and confinement for attacking the citizens of other nations. Asap is going down like Rocky in his first fight with Clubber Lang and hopefully this silly jackass gets a verdict of guilty and he can really learn the living and culture of Sweden maybe being inspired to learn a musical instrument and actually performing real music for a living and not just making up lame bad ghetto lyrics and being bestowed a kings fortunes by the music record industry and their favoritism to shit forms of musical art that is rap.
However, Sweden is not Amerirapica and country is not fearful or tolerant like America of the scum actions of hip hop Negroes and they promptly arrested ASAP Ricky and his bodyguard after they brutally beat down passerby questioning the debauchery of this America thug scum rap artist. President Trump kowtowing to the money of the Rap and gang music industry incrediblely injected himself into this debate and joined the chorus left-wing rap sympathetic crowd in America to demand a release of ASAP Rocky and drop of all charges that would of likely occurred if this elitist rap bozo had committed these street crimes and assault on the average Joe or Jose in America.
Dan Rather wishes to broadcast on Mars and comes on serial rapist Neil De Grasse Tyson's podcast and blasts small independent news outlets
Denny Watson
Dan Rather is a legendary teleprompter fake news reader and reporter who came of Neil De Grasse Tyson's Star Talk radio program to give the state of broadcast and his unease of all of the alternative news sources that he totally distrusts as not being part of the corporate mainstream. Mr Rather would rather have no alternative voice than the trusted sources that put him as a elite money breakers for himself for decades reading and saying the right things his masters demanded and Mr Rather
r complained that today's YouTube news sources do not have a hierarchical rule to tell what is the appropriate news to spread. Dan Rather is an old idiot unable to cope with the monopoly of news being owned by corporate interests with one message wishing to be spread in society and Dan
Rather talked of his disappointment once thinking they he could of been the first broadcaster to do a live remote form the moon and that this will not happen has been the major disappointment in Mr Rather's ahhh rather boring life as a news mouthpiece for the upper classes. Dan Rather was a space cadet and had a real interest in the wasteful spending of America's space program in the sixties and he really thought one day man would of colonized by now Mars, Planet, X and his fucking Uranus. Dan Father is an entitled legendary media prick who had no talent aside from reading an giving the opinions of his money masters of media ownership and announce monopolies and for this according to the sexual assaulter Mr Grass Dan is a legend.
Dan Rather is a legendary teleprompter fake news reader and reporter who came of Neil De Grasse Tyson's Star Talk radio program to give the state of broadcast and his unease of all of the alternative news sources that he totally distrusts as not being part of the corporate mainstream. Mr Rather would rather have no alternative voice than the trusted sources that put him as a elite money breakers for himself for decades reading and saying the right things his masters demanded and Mr Rather
r complained that today's YouTube news sources do not have a hierarchical rule to tell what is the appropriate news to spread. Dan Rather is an old idiot unable to cope with the monopoly of news being owned by corporate interests with one message wishing to be spread in society and Dan
Rather talked of his disappointment once thinking they he could of been the first broadcaster to do a live remote form the moon and that this will not happen has been the major disappointment in Mr Rather's ahhh rather boring life as a news mouthpiece for the upper classes. Dan Rather was a space cadet and had a real interest in the wasteful spending of America's space program in the sixties and he really thought one day man would of colonized by now Mars, Planet, X and his fucking Uranus. Dan Father is an entitled legendary media prick who had no talent aside from reading an giving the opinions of his money masters of media ownership and announce monopolies and for this according to the sexual assaulter Mr Grass Dan is a legend.
Clarence Page and Jesse Jackson blame president Trump for the 1919 race riots in Chicago
Dominick D'Souza
Al Sharpton had a press conference along with Jesse Jesse Jackson III to discuss how a hundred years ago the city of Chicago was Yugoslavia 1995 for a few days with ethnic warfare and cleansing. Al Sharpton went on to blame the thinking of Trump voters and Donald Trump himself for this riot and put full blame on the president for having caused this riot decades before his birth. Chicago Tribune propaganda writer Clarence Page also refereed to people back then having a Trump mentality and dislike for Blacks as Mr Page put blame like most historians on white racism for pushing back
against the ruling class to flood their neighborhoods with Black illiterate scum from the South and migrants as being the primarily cause as well as Blacks being used to be strike breakers and keep wages low in the North. The Clarence Page media members are never truly seen as the similar Jesse Jackson and Al Sharp ton charlatans but clearly this idiot Page and others are part of the same racial agitation problem in this country and are promoted and subsidized to earn this livelihood by the likes
iof the far fake news networks like MSNBC that are not even American media any longer but foreign funded global enterprises. Mr Page and Jesse Jackson get to write nationally syndicated propaganda pieces and their recent articles blaming president Trump for the red scare and fear of 1919 is typically more topically hate propaganda against the Republican president . Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Clarence Page are all of the same bill and racial agitator drawing up and bringing up more racial animosities for their lies and misrepresentation of a president that is not near their political representations and by blaming racial discord form a hundred years ago likely cause by men such as them back then is more aggressive attempts by these charlatans to maximize coverage and privileged for themselves sin global money media tributes.
Al Sharpton had a press conference along with Jesse Jesse Jackson III to discuss how a hundred years ago the city of Chicago was Yugoslavia 1995 for a few days with ethnic warfare and cleansing. Al Sharpton went on to blame the thinking of Trump voters and Donald Trump himself for this riot and put full blame on the president for having caused this riot decades before his birth. Chicago Tribune propaganda writer Clarence Page also refereed to people back then having a Trump mentality and dislike for Blacks as Mr Page put blame like most historians on white racism for pushing back
against the ruling class to flood their neighborhoods with Black illiterate scum from the South and migrants as being the primarily cause as well as Blacks being used to be strike breakers and keep wages low in the North. The Clarence Page media members are never truly seen as the similar Jesse Jackson and Al Sharp ton charlatans but clearly this idiot Page and others are part of the same racial agitation problem in this country and are promoted and subsidized to earn this livelihood by the likes
iof the far fake news networks like MSNBC that are not even American media any longer but foreign funded global enterprises. Mr Page and Jesse Jackson get to write nationally syndicated propaganda pieces and their recent articles blaming president Trump for the red scare and fear of 1919 is typically more topically hate propaganda against the Republican president . Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Clarence Page are all of the same bill and racial agitator drawing up and bringing up more racial animosities for their lies and misrepresentation of a president that is not near their political representations and by blaming racial discord form a hundred years ago likely cause by men such as them back then is more aggressive attempts by these charlatans to maximize coverage and privileged for themselves sin global money media tributes.
Stephan Pastis and Rat angered at president Trump's portrayal of Baltimore as a rat city
Arnold Buckley
Stephan Pastis is a insanely talented comic artist that draws a rat and a pig and was disturbed that the American president pushed for the factual idea and acclaim that Baltimore is a sick rat-infested city whose corrupt Democratic leaders milk the federal government and do nothing to fix the problems of this shit hole city. Baltimore is a dangerous hell whole and president Trump put full blame onto the likes of leaders such as Elijah Cummings and other hand picked awful mayors whose main goal of public offices to fill their pocketbooks then making any improved changes in the city of Baltimore. Mr Pastis draws an amazing Rat and Pig who give their political viewpoints on politics
and culture and naturally Rat took exception as saying rats are not the problem as to why Baltimore is a dangerous hell hole filled with ex cons and corrupt politicians milking the government of 16 billion
every year and distributing it to those who spend more time in a casino than in cit hall. Pastis has sent president Trump a cease and desist letter asking him not to make any reference to rat or pigs as Mr Pastis is claiming he has trademarked these two words now. Rat for his part put full blame on pigs for ruining Baltimore as they have not done their part in patrolling and policing this shit hole often allowing drug gangs and war lords full control of large sections of this once famous American town that is a no go zone for many people. Any large city that is black majority and sees little Indian,Asian, or Latino immigration is basically because of the dangers and the shit Mr Trump correctly stated about Baltimore. As our Terry Blue will dive more into tomorrow Baltimore has been a shit dangerous corrupt city and exemplifies urban Black America. The control of the one party urban state and the Democratic Party is what is responsible for the deterioration of American cities that generations of Black migrants from the South flooded into and attempted to ruin in some sort of racial revenge rhetoric and hatred for this country they see of only being a power because Blacks gave free wages to the cotton and rice growing industry. Blacks radicals and riotous Black people and it corrupt leaders like Elijah Cummings have done more so to bring about a decline to America then ever their ow fueled fake news that America was built on the backs of the Black man in growing cotton and rice for export profits.
Stephan Pastis is a insanely talented comic artist that draws a rat and a pig and was disturbed that the American president pushed for the factual idea and acclaim that Baltimore is a sick rat-infested city whose corrupt Democratic leaders milk the federal government and do nothing to fix the problems of this shit hole city. Baltimore is a dangerous hell whole and president Trump put full blame onto the likes of leaders such as Elijah Cummings and other hand picked awful mayors whose main goal of public offices to fill their pocketbooks then making any improved changes in the city of Baltimore. Mr Pastis draws an amazing Rat and Pig who give their political viewpoints on politics
and culture and naturally Rat took exception as saying rats are not the problem as to why Baltimore is a dangerous hell hole filled with ex cons and corrupt politicians milking the government of 16 billion
every year and distributing it to those who spend more time in a casino than in cit hall. Pastis has sent president Trump a cease and desist letter asking him not to make any reference to rat or pigs as Mr Pastis is claiming he has trademarked these two words now. Rat for his part put full blame on pigs for ruining Baltimore as they have not done their part in patrolling and policing this shit hole often allowing drug gangs and war lords full control of large sections of this once famous American town that is a no go zone for many people. Any large city that is black majority and sees little Indian,Asian, or Latino immigration is basically because of the dangers and the shit Mr Trump correctly stated about Baltimore. As our Terry Blue will dive more into tomorrow Baltimore has been a shit dangerous corrupt city and exemplifies urban Black America. The control of the one party urban state and the Democratic Party is what is responsible for the deterioration of American cities that generations of Black migrants from the South flooded into and attempted to ruin in some sort of racial revenge rhetoric and hatred for this country they see of only being a power because Blacks gave free wages to the cotton and rice growing industry. Blacks radicals and riotous Black people and it corrupt leaders like Elijah Cummings have done more so to bring about a decline to America then ever their ow fueled fake news that America was built on the backs of the Black man in growing cotton and rice for export profits.
The end of baseball as it slowly evolving into thugball after Red Pirates brawl and Yaisel Puig
Jerry Palmer
Another proof of why Baseball was better off with a color line was seen in a game recently where some tall Black pitcher of the Cincinnati Reds named Garret charges a dugout right as the charge music was being played on the stadium intercom and another Pirates Reds brawl doesn't diminish the boredom that is a Reds Pirates game usually at this or any time of the year. Baseball might be under attack or orders to desperately do anything to bring more interest and drama into the game.
The ghettofication of baseball was the worse dream of the early organizers of the American pastime who excluded blacks knowing ful well the direction the game and league would go with a large presence of Blacks and Latinos in the game and what we are seeing with daily dram bits and brawls instead of game clearly show the transition of demographics tin the sport and why there probably should be a color line drawn up again to exclude people who lack love or respect for the sport. Amir Garrett came out of the bullpen and threw a few pitches and was itching for a fight deserving of the heckling he was getting form the Pirates bullpen. MLB is becoming MMA because they don't know any other was to draw interest or growth in this very boring lame sport more and more people are rejecting and the trajectory of this sports evolution is more stupidity as was seen yet again with Yaisel Puig and the Reds. Cincinnati immediately traded this savage Puig to an Savage nicknamed team in Cleveland and both Yasiel Puig and the Black parts of Cleveland deserve each other.
Another proof of why Baseball was better off with a color line was seen in a game recently where some tall Black pitcher of the Cincinnati Reds named Garret charges a dugout right as the charge music was being played on the stadium intercom and another Pirates Reds brawl doesn't diminish the boredom that is a Reds Pirates game usually at this or any time of the year. Baseball might be under attack or orders to desperately do anything to bring more interest and drama into the game.
The ghettofication of baseball was the worse dream of the early organizers of the American pastime who excluded blacks knowing ful well the direction the game and league would go with a large presence of Blacks and Latinos in the game and what we are seeing with daily dram bits and brawls instead of game clearly show the transition of demographics tin the sport and why there probably should be a color line drawn up again to exclude people who lack love or respect for the sport. Amir Garrett came out of the bullpen and threw a few pitches and was itching for a fight deserving of the heckling he was getting form the Pirates bullpen. MLB is becoming MMA because they don't know any other was to draw interest or growth in this very boring lame sport more and more people are rejecting and the trajectory of this sports evolution is more stupidity as was seen yet again with Yaisel Puig and the Reds. Cincinnati immediately traded this savage Puig to an Savage nicknamed team in Cleveland and both Yasiel Puig and the Black parts of Cleveland deserve each other.
Rob Reiner attacks President Trump and considers running for president in 2020
Lonnie Yeager
Rob Reiner is some disgusting ugly old director / actor who played the Meathead in the classic 70's television show Archie Bunker's family. Rob Reiner gets himself involved in politics thinking of himself as being of any importance in 2019 and attacked President Trump and all his followers as racists in the same overused left wing lunatic argument that they overused Time and Time and Again. Rob Reiner accused white Americans of being white nationalist because they are Nationalist and
prefer trade deals don't go in against them. The amazing thing by Rob Reiner is as a lame to bit Personnel in the old television show he is still mentioned news today and this primarily has to do with himself being able to buy speech time for himself through the medium. Make no mistake Rob Reiner is a wealthy 1% plutocrat son of a bitch that is so arrogant and Wealthy he puts himself in the news to be relevant The only reason Rob Reiner is even mentioned in the news is he purchases his voice and speech to attack political opponents he does not like. Rob Reiner is stupider than a brick an idiot like no other and it's just a dumb stupid leftist that no one even listens to except for the mainstream media which desperate for anyone to attack Trump and highlighted. Rob Reiner is recent Twitter tirade against Trump might be indication that the elderly unpopular former director and socialist maybe running for president in 2020 as he is seriously considering challenging Donald Trump for president of the United States. Of course most people don't know or North care of Rob Reiner in those who do know him know the man is a complete mental retard it has about as much chance of becoming president has Elon Musk does putting cattle on Mars to terraform the planet with more methane. Rob Reiner constant attack on our president and this country through Twitter should be seen as another leftist Hollywood Elite whose brain is regressed and it's totally incompetent mentally and should be taken off Twitter in general.
White people may form their own country in America because of the likes of Rob Reiner and White nationalism is not any more racist than the sixty or so Black nationalism activities of decolonialism battles in Africa.
Rob Reiner sucked as a meathead in All in the Family and he sucks now as a human being loudmouth idiot on the internet and Twitter meddling in politics and something that he is not ever been qualified to speak. Rob Reiner .loves purchasing media air time for himself and used to go on The Arsenio Hall Show and talk shit about presidents and basically this is all the man does until they put him 6 ft under he will continue to Brand all Trump followers as white nationalists. The real issue is not white nationalism but it's International Jewism and the haters of others like Rob Reiner having money and power to voice up and a lifelong member a part of as elite media mob rule.
Rob Reiner is some disgusting ugly old director / actor who played the Meathead in the classic 70's television show Archie Bunker's family. Rob Reiner gets himself involved in politics thinking of himself as being of any importance in 2019 and attacked President Trump and all his followers as racists in the same overused left wing lunatic argument that they overused Time and Time and Again. Rob Reiner accused white Americans of being white nationalist because they are Nationalist and
prefer trade deals don't go in against them. The amazing thing by Rob Reiner is as a lame to bit Personnel in the old television show he is still mentioned news today and this primarily has to do with himself being able to buy speech time for himself through the medium. Make no mistake Rob Reiner is a wealthy 1% plutocrat son of a bitch that is so arrogant and Wealthy he puts himself in the news to be relevant The only reason Rob Reiner is even mentioned in the news is he purchases his voice and speech to attack political opponents he does not like. Rob Reiner is stupider than a brick an idiot like no other and it's just a dumb stupid leftist that no one even listens to except for the mainstream media which desperate for anyone to attack Trump and highlighted. Rob Reiner is recent Twitter tirade against Trump might be indication that the elderly unpopular former director and socialist maybe running for president in 2020 as he is seriously considering challenging Donald Trump for president of the United States. Of course most people don't know or North care of Rob Reiner in those who do know him know the man is a complete mental retard it has about as much chance of becoming president has Elon Musk does putting cattle on Mars to terraform the planet with more methane. Rob Reiner constant attack on our president and this country through Twitter should be seen as another leftist Hollywood Elite whose brain is regressed and it's totally incompetent mentally and should be taken off Twitter in general.
White people may form their own country in America because of the likes of Rob Reiner and White nationalism is not any more racist than the sixty or so Black nationalism activities of decolonialism battles in Africa.
Rob Reiner sucked as a meathead in All in the Family and he sucks now as a human being loudmouth idiot on the internet and Twitter meddling in politics and something that he is not ever been qualified to speak. Rob Reiner .loves purchasing media air time for himself and used to go on The Arsenio Hall Show and talk shit about presidents and basically this is all the man does until they put him 6 ft under he will continue to Brand all Trump followers as white nationalists. The real issue is not white nationalism but it's International Jewism and the haters of others like Rob Reiner having money and power to voice up and a lifelong member a part of as elite media mob rule.
Tim Apple angered by new tariffs being leveled by president Trump and is seriously considering running for president in 2020
Martin Manziel
Dream Money
Apple is a global company that has crushed the American prospect for decent wages and have caused millions to flow to other countries through the years thanks to corrupt government leaders giving the plutocrat big wig ass wipe Steve Jobs his way in his dealing and business. There is a new era and president Trump has gone directly after Tim Apple and this smart phone manufacture that has taken advantage of this country and exported jobs exploiting wages and labor conditions in other lands and stans. Executives like Tim Cook have found a bonanza in global trade and business dealings with this empire of China and its brutal undemocratic governance and this has been dream money flow into their coffers that they then use it to purchase political leadership in America to maintain this status quo and monopoly for themselves.
Trump is demanding that Apples new 60000 dollar computer manufacture and its competent and hardware in America ,and not Cambodia, and has promised Tim Cook that his Apple will face high levels of tariffs on shipment of these components and computers into America for sale if he does not abide by these long over-due demands that past previous administrations and this has angered the homsexual and CEO of Apple Mr Captain Cook. There is grumbling and new talk that Tim Apple is seriously considering running for president in 2020 and to challenge and dethrone Trump and Tim is
thinking of running under the third party to be called the Fruit Party that will ironically use the Apple logo as its own. However he gets it done Tim does not wish for this dream money movement of the globalist tributes and tradsters to end for himself and this shit company will fight Mr Trump's tariffs tooth and nail but in the end they will lose as companies that turn and prevent the American worker their rightful good job banks but still sell an expensive product will ultimately face the wrath. Mr Apple will cater to the homosexual ,bi ,and transgender communities in his presidential run and is counting on intentional donors and fans of Apple to make his presidential dreams a reality. Mr Cook will not be bullied by Trump and have the threats of tariffs cut into Apples profits and those of their top shareholders specifically himself and he will not take this lying down as he does with his many lovers from China and fellow small cocks
Dream Money
Apple is a global company that has crushed the American prospect for decent wages and have caused millions to flow to other countries through the years thanks to corrupt government leaders giving the plutocrat big wig ass wipe Steve Jobs his way in his dealing and business. There is a new era and president Trump has gone directly after Tim Apple and this smart phone manufacture that has taken advantage of this country and exported jobs exploiting wages and labor conditions in other lands and stans. Executives like Tim Cook have found a bonanza in global trade and business dealings with this empire of China and its brutal undemocratic governance and this has been dream money flow into their coffers that they then use it to purchase political leadership in America to maintain this status quo and monopoly for themselves.
Trump is demanding that Apples new 60000 dollar computer manufacture and its competent and hardware in America ,and not Cambodia, and has promised Tim Cook that his Apple will face high levels of tariffs on shipment of these components and computers into America for sale if he does not abide by these long over-due demands that past previous administrations and this has angered the homsexual and CEO of Apple Mr Captain Cook. There is grumbling and new talk that Tim Apple is seriously considering running for president in 2020 and to challenge and dethrone Trump and Tim is
thinking of running under the third party to be called the Fruit Party that will ironically use the Apple logo as its own. However he gets it done Tim does not wish for this dream money movement of the globalist tributes and tradsters to end for himself and this shit company will fight Mr Trump's tariffs tooth and nail but in the end they will lose as companies that turn and prevent the American worker their rightful good job banks but still sell an expensive product will ultimately face the wrath. Mr Apple will cater to the homosexual ,bi ,and transgender communities in his presidential run and is counting on intentional donors and fans of Apple to make his presidential dreams a reality. Mr Cook will not be bullied by Trump and have the threats of tariffs cut into Apples profits and those of their top shareholders specifically himself and he will not take this lying down as he does with his many lovers from China and fellow small cocks
Backpage Milwaukee slut job Nikki rips off Cecil Brewster
Runs Like Cougar
Poor Cecil Brewster. As one of our many writers who use internet whores because there is little time for relationships for native born males and those without a fmaily immigrant match up guarantee wife/slave many men are increasingly using whores on-line. The data shows that for 2017 ahhh that errr more men as a percentage used whores and prostitutes since 1882 and many of these e,bitches are bought and owned for by negro pimps. Nikki is a whore and a half often robbing men and spanking some loose j
jingle extra from their pants and this is a slut to avoid as she posts most often in the Milwaukee or Kenosha region. Cecil was flabbergasted using her service and how quick and shitty it was denied a refund for the ten minute job that was advertised for a certain price for an hour. Cecil was embarrassed and pleaded for someone to write an article on this Backpage.com ho and for others to be prepared and to avoid this skank ahhhh like one would err a hhh avoid a skunk in a path. In fact. I think my new logo for discussing Wisconsin and Indian skank hoes and their despicable deplorable acts will be Pepe Le Peu and the Gato long funny Hanna Barbara cartoons that we all grew up and loved watching sexual harassment on the cartoon silver screens and Saturday mornings.
Poor Cecil Brewster. As one of our many writers who use internet whores because there is little time for relationships for native born males and those without a fmaily immigrant match up guarantee wife/slave many men are increasingly using whores on-line. The data shows that for 2017 ahhh that errr more men as a percentage used whores and prostitutes since 1882 and many of these e,bitches are bought and owned for by negro pimps. Nikki is a whore and a half often robbing men and spanking some loose j

Steve Dahl and Garry Meier visit the lakefront and do a live broadcast commemorating the 1919 race riot
Jacoby Genevese
Chicago radio legends Steve Dahl and Garry Meier are broadcasting a live stream recalling and visiting the places and events in Chicago of a hundred years ago where Chicago was for a few days basically Yugoslavia and Bosnia 1996. Up to 1919 big conglomerates were shipping Negroes form the South basically to ruin workers gains and use Blacks as strike breaker sin union jobs in and around the stock yards and for this is why these economic job depreciating migrants were so hated and despised for years prior to 1919.
Blacks were coming in by the thousands to compete with Chicagoan and help lower the wages and ultimately it came to a break point and Chicago had a huge riot one of the worse in this year that saw hundreds of racial conflicts erupt across the nation. Dahl and Meier rad off the names and mentioned each and every death and cause in the riot as the first three days of the 1919 July 27-29 were the deadliest and eventually the national guard was called in to retain order. Dahl was amazed that the 919 riot was not followed up by riots in 1920 or 1921 or after that. Chicago would go from majority of white people to Blacks in the decades to come as Black racial violence soared as Whites were ethnically cleanses and moved to the burbs aside from a few lakefront wards of high income earners.
Chicago radio legends Steve Dahl and Garry Meier are broadcasting a live stream recalling and visiting the places and events in Chicago of a hundred years ago where Chicago was for a few days basically Yugoslavia and Bosnia 1996. Up to 1919 big conglomerates were shipping Negroes form the South basically to ruin workers gains and use Blacks as strike breaker sin union jobs in and around the stock yards and for this is why these economic job depreciating migrants were so hated and despised for years prior to 1919.
Blacks were coming in by the thousands to compete with Chicagoan and help lower the wages and ultimately it came to a break point and Chicago had a huge riot one of the worse in this year that saw hundreds of racial conflicts erupt across the nation. Dahl and Meier rad off the names and mentioned each and every death and cause in the riot as the first three days of the 1919 July 27-29 were the deadliest and eventually the national guard was called in to retain order. Dahl was amazed that the 919 riot was not followed up by riots in 1920 or 1921 or after that. Chicago would go from majority of white people to Blacks in the decades to come as Black racial violence soared as Whites were ethnically cleanses and moved to the burbs aside from a few lakefront wards of high income earners.
Hal Sparks cooms out strong against international investors and Russians buying up properties
Bernardo Romano
The amazing leftist homo host named Hal Sparks came out strong against the internationalist investors the other day in his award-winning radio show on the gay networks. Hal Sparks says many foreigners are allowed to buy up properties and sit on it not renting them and holding them for later and Mr Sparks says urban areas with housing shortages ought to put a vacancy tax on the properties of this greedy class that we have long complained have meddled into the affairs of Americans and caused the political discord and divide with their money and property investment in Blue cities and states. The housing shortage is because as Hal said we have allowed the plutocrats to purchase and sit on space often for years an d when they do open up a business it is mainly pone of fraud and money laundering such as the Mexican taqueria or other high end Asian bistros and other exclusive restaurants .The source o International money laundering in allowances for asset collection in America is something our political leaders need to tackle pronto Hal said in an elegant discussion and important talk this past weekend. Its not just the Russians as I called in later to explain as it is also the Mediterranean folks mainly Italian people that do the same thing and EU Eurocrats are purchasing too much of our properties and holding them or converting them to unnecessary easy to run businesses such as storage centers or gyms much of which sit and remain empty.
Hal sparks says these greedy property investors are mainly Russian and Chinese in New York City and the rotten greedy billionaire class and mayors of the past and current in Bloomberg and De Blassio are fully responsible for the housing shortage. Sparks and his radio sidekicks say the housing crisis is a contemporary problem further diving inequality in places as New York
The amazing leftist homo host named Hal Sparks came out strong against the internationalist investors the other day in his award-winning radio show on the gay networks. Hal Sparks says many foreigners are allowed to buy up properties and sit on it not renting them and holding them for later and Mr Sparks says urban areas with housing shortages ought to put a vacancy tax on the properties of this greedy class that we have long complained have meddled into the affairs of Americans and caused the political discord and divide with their money and property investment in Blue cities and states. The housing shortage is because as Hal said we have allowed the plutocrats to purchase and sit on space often for years an d when they do open up a business it is mainly pone of fraud and money laundering such as the Mexican taqueria or other high end Asian bistros and other exclusive restaurants .The source o International money laundering in allowances for asset collection in America is something our political leaders need to tackle pronto Hal said in an elegant discussion and important talk this past weekend. Its not just the Russians as I called in later to explain as it is also the Mediterranean folks mainly Italian people that do the same thing and EU Eurocrats are purchasing too much of our properties and holding them or converting them to unnecessary easy to run businesses such as storage centers or gyms much of which sit and remain empty.

Anthony Brian Logan bashes Maor Bill De Blassio and Iihan Omar a new asshole for their forever lies and misrepresentation
Bert Berg
Two terrible elected official playing to the racial identarianian are Iihan Omar and Bill de Blasio and recently YouTube soccer star Anthony Brian Logan too these two pieces of shit to task. Iihan Omar had appeared on Al Jezzera terrorist television and basically said that white men are more dangerous than Muslims and Mr Logan showed the stats and terrorist acts committed and b far it shows Brown Muslims having committed more mass shooting and terrorism globally in their twisted religious
extremism against all perceived enemies that don't follow the teachings of the dog and prophet Muhammad. Iihan Omar is a liar and is pushing hate against white men in particular because she is funded and a hack for foreign resources a=of corruption and political representation. Iihan Omar is a demon witch who should be deported back to Somalia and Somaliastan and Anthony Brian Logan ca't believe such a moron and hater of this country is an elected official and in a position of power as a congresswoman.
Two terrible elected official playing to the racial identarianian are Iihan Omar and Bill de Blasio and recently YouTube soccer star Anthony Brian Logan too these two pieces of shit to task. Iihan Omar had appeared on Al Jezzera terrorist television and basically said that white men are more dangerous than Muslims and Mr Logan showed the stats and terrorist acts committed and b far it shows Brown Muslims having committed more mass shooting and terrorism globally in their twisted religious
extremism against all perceived enemies that don't follow the teachings of the dog and prophet Muhammad. Iihan Omar is a liar and is pushing hate against white men in particular because she is funded and a hack for foreign resources a=of corruption and political representation. Iihan Omar is a demon witch who should be deported back to Somalia and Somaliastan and Anthony Brian Logan ca't believe such a moron and hater of this country is an elected official and in a position of power as a congresswoman.
to empower the criminal class in New York The amount of racism displayed by Omar and her orange turban in this interview was unbelievable and she should be forced to resign given the lies and nature of racism directed towards whites. Mr Logan also ripped to shreds the policies of police repression and inability of police to do their important job in New York City as their worthless gangster mayor Bill De Blassio (0ne of the worse mayors of all time) has done everything in his power to empower the street criminals in New York. Anthony Brian played the videos of people throwing water in a sick disrespect display that put full blame on the mayor and his continuing war on the police in New York. Anthony said this sorry sack of shit has no chance in running for president and Bill De Blassio needs to be run out of this city and he wishes officer Contepleo had put a choke hold on Bill De Blassio instead of Eric Garner.
Bob the bobcat retreats form an attack by an Arizona rattler
Luke Frey
Animal Stories
Bob The Bobcat is an inquisitive creature of the dark and transient going anywhere an everywhere for his amusement and is our favorite cat to blog about. It appears Bob was caught in a video that went viral in Arizona where he made the unwise decision to tussle with the tassle of a Diamond Head rattle snake. The fight was not fair nor did it last long as Bobcats have no immunity for the venom of snakes and without a dount Bob has this hardwired in his little brain cat brain.
Animal Stories
Bob The Bobcat is an inquisitive creature of the dark and transient going anywhere an everywhere for his amusement and is our favorite cat to blog about. It appears Bob was caught in a video that went viral in Arizona where he made the unwise decision to tussle with the tassle of a Diamond Head rattle snake. The fight was not fair nor did it last long as Bobcats have no immunity for the venom of snakes and without a dount Bob has this hardwired in his little brain cat brain.
Bob and the rattle snake battled like a Cobra and Mongoose in India but it was not even half as competitive or interesting of a tussle. Bob was quickly dejected form his spot an the rattlesnake laid claim to the turf as Bob the Bobcat fled the scene upon seeing that a person was filming the entire incident. Bob will have to save face to bobcats instead of just his own who are wondering why he would even do something as crazy as to try to square one on one with a creature with no legs and with a tremendous amount of venom. The sudden switch from braggadocio to scary cat was free for all to see.
Is snowflake Sun Yang a genetic freak or a fucking robot???
Cecil Brewster
Sun Yang can't stand it. The massively popular swimming star in China is a beast like no other dominating the competition in swimming and given the accolades and respect of his peers despite his possible cheating. There was always rumors around Chinese bathhouses that Sin Yang doped and this explained his success in China in a highly competitive sport and swimming sensations of the Chines elites looking for avenues of success for their sons and daughters to receive acclamation. Sun Yang was humiliated by a couple of swimmers he deemed "losers' because they didn't beat him or dope like him prior to competition and Mr Yang has vehemently denied that he ordered his
bodyguard to destroy virals of piss and shit of Mr Yang's he had to deliver to the Olympic swimming organization to test whether drugs are being used to give Mr Yang an advantage of competitors in the swimming pool races. Yang didn't like to be called out for the cheater bitch he is and he makes a mockery with his continual competition in the swim lanes as a September hearing will decide if Yang should hang up his flip flops and quit disrespecting the swimming sport. Sun Yang is like most Olympic caliber "fake athletes" in Chinastan unable to compete with the genes and talent Gansha and Buddha gave to them but instead need to inject synthetic chemicals,toxins, and drugs into their system to give them the advantages of speed in the sport of their choice. Sun Yang form the land of the rising sun is a fucking joke
Sun Yang can't stand it. The massively popular swimming star in China is a beast like no other dominating the competition in swimming and given the accolades and respect of his peers despite his possible cheating. There was always rumors around Chinese bathhouses that Sin Yang doped and this explained his success in China in a highly competitive sport and swimming sensations of the Chines elites looking for avenues of success for their sons and daughters to receive acclamation. Sun Yang was humiliated by a couple of swimmers he deemed "losers' because they didn't beat him or dope like him prior to competition and Mr Yang has vehemently denied that he ordered his
bodyguard to destroy virals of piss and shit of Mr Yang's he had to deliver to the Olympic swimming organization to test whether drugs are being used to give Mr Yang an advantage of competitors in the swimming pool races. Yang didn't like to be called out for the cheater bitch he is and he makes a mockery with his continual competition in the swim lanes as a September hearing will decide if Yang should hang up his flip flops and quit disrespecting the swimming sport. Sun Yang is like most Olympic caliber "fake athletes" in Chinastan unable to compete with the genes and talent Gansha and Buddha gave to them but instead need to inject synthetic chemicals,toxins, and drugs into their system to give them the advantages of speed in the sport of their choice. Sun Yang form the land of the rising sun is a fucking joke
Ching Mow and other Hong Kong protesters beaten to a pulp by Chinese Triad gangsters
Mr X
The Hong Kong protests saw organized Triad attacks on them last week and the role of gangster mentality and state socialism and communism of China in quelling true democracy and being for the people was evident. The Triads are China's equivalent to Iran's revolutionary guards and to the Black and brown drug and dope dealers and organizations within America who have set up Blue
undemocratic tyranny within large cities where only one voice and political party is represented.The great Hong Kong freedom fighter Ching Mow was particularly set upon by these gangster chop suey triad mafia thugs that sought to clamp down as they as an organization are part of the Chinese state system of corruption and hegemony of brutality and surveillance in China. Chinese authorities are desperate to stop these Hong Kong freedom
protests that have caught the attention of Taiwan and the fear of protest spreading other regions and the gangster attack may be the beginning of full frontal China syndrome repression against the usual forces of protest and democracy movements. Ching Mow was bloodied to a fucking pulp and used some bottled water to wash his sores and blood away and as a trooper he got back into the protest after these gangster criminal with bats and sticks departed. The Triad attack though is not going to end these pro-democracy protests and it only serves to empower the movement garnering more international attention and support as global capitalism as to come the defenses why they are doing business with a nation that lends its repression and organizes criminal gangs and networks to beat peaceful protesters on the streets of one of the financial centers of the world.
The Hong Kong protests saw organized Triad attacks on them last week and the role of gangster mentality and state socialism and communism of China in quelling true democracy and being for the people was evident. The Triads are China's equivalent to Iran's revolutionary guards and to the Black and brown drug and dope dealers and organizations within America who have set up Blue
undemocratic tyranny within large cities where only one voice and political party is represented.The great Hong Kong freedom fighter Ching Mow was particularly set upon by these gangster chop suey triad mafia thugs that sought to clamp down as they as an organization are part of the Chinese state system of corruption and hegemony of brutality and surveillance in China. Chinese authorities are desperate to stop these Hong Kong freedom
protests that have caught the attention of Taiwan and the fear of protest spreading other regions and the gangster attack may be the beginning of full frontal China syndrome repression against the usual forces of protest and democracy movements. Ching Mow was bloodied to a fucking pulp and used some bottled water to wash his sores and blood away and as a trooper he got back into the protest after these gangster criminal with bats and sticks departed. The Triad attack though is not going to end these pro-democracy protests and it only serves to empower the movement garnering more international attention and support as global capitalism as to come the defenses why they are doing business with a nation that lends its repression and organizes criminal gangs and networks to beat peaceful protesters on the streets of one of the financial centers of the world.
Rocky Dwayne Johnson comes to Hawaii and bashes Neil De Grass Tyson and calls out Hawaiian flag as racist
Neil Knight
The Rock Dwyane Johnson has let his intentions know and fully supports the Independence of Hawaii and demands the state change its flag away from the royal bastion of the Union Jack. Mr Johnson came to Hawaii to help lead a fight against a telescope in precious mountain tops that are holy sights to the natives. The Rock is suggesting to Hawaiians that not only should they jack the Union colors of Britishstan but the Hawaiian chain of islands is better off going its own way and becoming another Polynesian independent lands or kingdoms and the Rock desires either to be the new nations first president or king.
The Rock Dwyane Johnson has let his intentions know and fully supports the Independence of Hawaii and demands the state change its flag away from the royal bastion of the Union Jack. Mr Johnson came to Hawaii to help lead a fight against a telescope in precious mountain tops that are holy sights to the natives. The Rock is suggesting to Hawaiians that not only should they jack the Union colors of Britishstan but the Hawaiian chain of islands is better off going its own way and becoming another Polynesian independent lands or kingdoms and the Rock desires either to be the new nations first president or king.
Johnson also took time to blast Neil Grass De Tyson who had previously been criticized by the Astrophysicist of a New York museum for protesting and trying to deny the permit to this massive three hundred foot telescope. The Hollywood mega star and superstar intentional celebrity stated that eventually the chain of Hawaiian islands will get their sovereignty one day and the sooner the better as he compared Hawaii raising old glory as about as sensible as raising this flag with the British Empire logo. Dwayne Johnson is a native son of Hawaii who made his fortunes through the global capitalism of fake fighting and Hollywood acting of the English language and so forth and as a Hawaiian the man would be as wealthy as an Afghanistan banana stand owner and operator. The former WWF superstar and bad actor Rock is a joke and a simpleton man made of so much drug muscle growing properties s the hormonal damage has engross his skull and this man is not going to get like wine with age but more and more of a banana brain moron of flab and dribble.
Trevor Noah tries to attack Andrew Yang on his shitty Daily Show
Dominick D'Souza
Mulatto shit head Racial propagandist Trevor Noah had president candidate Andrew Yang appear his late night political program and he did an admirable job in allowing Mr Yang and make the case why he should be president. Mr Yang took some jostling and kidding from this South African and for seven minutes made it through without the usual pathetic rhetoric of Mr Noah. Trevor Noah wondered how Mr Yang decided without name recognition how Yang should decide to run for resident and wondered why the entrepreneurial didn't stay in silicon valley. Noah tried asking the same dumb questions and make fun of Andrew Yang for being asked two questions by a mainstream media under orders of the tech industry fearful of Mr Yang and his gangs long over due ideas of a tech tax to hit into the power of these tech robot pushing monopolists and wealth hoarders and their anti-competitive actions. Yang received a huge ovation by the crowd of Yangites and proves he is the only candidate in the Democratic primary that can achieve this level of excitement but the mainstream business media will push for acceptance of geriatrics like Biden, Bernie and Warren while the blacks will run towards Booker and Kamala.
Make no mistake this East African shit Trevor Noah would never be on American broadcast without the ability of global fortune 500 companies form dominating the culture and economy and pushing for an anti-stateism idea and agenda where mulatto shits like Mr Noah can have a major representation and voice decided by a few executives with stringent liberal initiatives . The mainstream media fears Mr Yang and his Universal Basic Income and campaign and to highlight the technology sector and drive to replace all facets of humanity within business and Yang told Noah the idea of robots taking pizza,trucker driver and prostitute jobs is terrible and more needs to be done in taxing the shit out of these bots,bits, and CEOs.
Mulatto shit head Racial propagandist Trevor Noah had president candidate Andrew Yang appear his late night political program and he did an admirable job in allowing Mr Yang and make the case why he should be president. Mr Yang took some jostling and kidding from this South African and for seven minutes made it through without the usual pathetic rhetoric of Mr Noah. Trevor Noah wondered how Mr Yang decided without name recognition how Yang should decide to run for resident and wondered why the entrepreneurial didn't stay in silicon valley. Noah tried asking the same dumb questions and make fun of Andrew Yang for being asked two questions by a mainstream media under orders of the tech industry fearful of Mr Yang and his gangs long over due ideas of a tech tax to hit into the power of these tech robot pushing monopolists and wealth hoarders and their anti-competitive actions. Yang received a huge ovation by the crowd of Yangites and proves he is the only candidate in the Democratic primary that can achieve this level of excitement but the mainstream business media will push for acceptance of geriatrics like Biden, Bernie and Warren while the blacks will run towards Booker and Kamala.
Make no mistake this East African shit Trevor Noah would never be on American broadcast without the ability of global fortune 500 companies form dominating the culture and economy and pushing for an anti-stateism idea and agenda where mulatto shits like Mr Noah can have a major representation and voice decided by a few executives with stringent liberal initiatives . The mainstream media fears Mr Yang and his Universal Basic Income and campaign and to highlight the technology sector and drive to replace all facets of humanity within business and Yang told Noah the idea of robots taking pizza,trucker driver and prostitute jobs is terrible and more needs to be done in taxing the shit out of these bots,bits, and CEOs.
Great White Left shark takes families Cap Cod fish meal home and humanity about to face a twin Jets and Sharks attack
Jake Glass
Animal Stories
Summer adventurers in the coastal elite of cap Cod are playing with fire vacationing and fishing in territories long the domain of the Great Left sharks. A video played on many media outlets showed how close a White Shark can get and take what it wants form the silly vacationers thinking the back waters are safe from sharks. The video of the Left shark showed it coming up and taking
( if the video is real) up fish that a family were reeling in and how boats are not top sided daily and its personal jawed up by these sea beasts still amazes me to this day along with the idea that
passenger Jets also don't crash as ubiquitous as automobiles. The Jets and the Sharks though time are coming we believe and there will be more Left sharks tipping drunk skunk boaters and more Led Zepplin
Hindenberg air plane and ship tragedies as we are at peak air travel with an peak of an estimated 250,000 daily lift offs and landings and this amount of air travel is not going to be possible and feasible in this era of climate change and dwindling resources. Jets are going to crash and Sharks are going to bite in the ocean and this is going to be a matter of fact whether you are on the East or West side.
Animal Stories
Summer adventurers in the coastal elite of cap Cod are playing with fire vacationing and fishing in territories long the domain of the Great Left sharks. A video played on many media outlets showed how close a White Shark can get and take what it wants form the silly vacationers thinking the back waters are safe from sharks. The video of the Left shark showed it coming up and taking
( if the video is real) up fish that a family were reeling in and how boats are not top sided daily and its personal jawed up by these sea beasts still amazes me to this day along with the idea that
passenger Jets also don't crash as ubiquitous as automobiles. The Jets and the Sharks though time are coming we believe and there will be more Left sharks tipping drunk skunk boaters and more Led Zepplin

Michael Brooks thinks Yazidis are Christian and he and Sam Sedar make up more lies attacking Donald Trump
Franks Banks II
Sam Sedar and Michael Brooks came aboard the awful award losing Majority Report program and made their usual lies and misinformation as they mercilessly attacked president Trump as some sort of psychopath because he didn't have the appropriate demeanor when talking to a former fake ISIS sex slave created by Amal and George Clooney. Trumps lack of compassion was declared by Brooks and Sedar who apparently demanded Trump shed crocodile tears along with this Yazidi woman Nadio Murad who won a Nobel prize for her unbelievable almost too good to believe escape from the hands of a ISIS sex network selling anf enslaving Yazidi women. Sedar and Brooks attacked Mr Trump for asking questions and wanting Ms Murad to tell her sex rape stories and why she was handed a nobel prize for this action and victimhood.
Michael Brooks showed his usual stupidity by declaring that the Yaziddis are Christian and this is the only reason they have gotten press coverage form the Western media to of which Sam had to reprimand him for his unbelievable mistake. The Yazidis are not Christian and some would say are neurotic and eccentric mystics not even sure the difference between Tuesday and Friday. Michael Brooks is a complete brain less morons always has been one and always will and both he and Sam Sedar are totally incompetent and not qualified to have cameras filming and microphones turned on the amount of lies and untrue fact these jag fags attempt to spread.
Sedar and Brooks support a Islamic caliphate system and terrorist empowerment that put a poor Nadia Murad (if one believes her fake story) into the hands of these human sex slave traffickers and Sedar and Brooks hope to spread the power of the Islamic radical jihadists in society.
Sam Sedar and Michael Brooks came aboard the awful award losing Majority Report program and made their usual lies and misinformation as they mercilessly attacked president Trump as some sort of psychopath because he didn't have the appropriate demeanor when talking to a former fake ISIS sex slave created by Amal and George Clooney. Trumps lack of compassion was declared by Brooks and Sedar who apparently demanded Trump shed crocodile tears along with this Yazidi woman Nadio Murad who won a Nobel prize for her unbelievable almost too good to believe escape from the hands of a ISIS sex network selling anf enslaving Yazidi women. Sedar and Brooks attacked Mr Trump for asking questions and wanting Ms Murad to tell her sex rape stories and why she was handed a nobel prize for this action and victimhood.
Michael Brooks showed his usual stupidity by declaring that the Yaziddis are Christian and this is the only reason they have gotten press coverage form the Western media to of which Sam had to reprimand him for his unbelievable mistake. The Yazidis are not Christian and some would say are neurotic and eccentric mystics not even sure the difference between Tuesday and Friday. Michael Brooks is a complete brain less morons always has been one and always will and both he and Sam Sedar are totally incompetent and not qualified to have cameras filming and microphones turned on the amount of lies and untrue fact these jag fags attempt to spread.
Sedar and Brooks support a Islamic caliphate system and terrorist empowerment that put a poor Nadia Murad (if one believes her fake story) into the hands of these human sex slave traffickers and Sedar and Brooks hope to spread the power of the Islamic radical jihadists in society.
Steven Crowder trolls lap dogging homos and their service dogs
Dwight Dwyer
Steven Crowder got together with another gay man and they decided to test the theory that restaurants and businesses were more conforming to allow homos with small dogs than gay wads with a big Argentina and Israeli dog as Mr Crowder brought his dog Buttercup to a Target,dollar store, and a Macaroni grill to test how people would react. The award winning YouTube superstar got a reaction and then made some arguments between himself and his partner with the smaller dog to catch peoples attention to this dram as they ate at their favorite corporate restaurant by choice. Mr Crowder brought his huge Argentine domingo dog into women's bathrooms and was confronted by staff at the Dollar store as he told him that he and his dog don't believe in gender stereotypes and both see themselves as a woman and Buttercup sees itself as a bitch.
Crowder made a scene wherever he went as his dog was knocking objects down and he was going into women's bathroom demanding of t he ame rights as other fluid gender identitists mocking those that support that movement from the far left. Crowder was making a mockery in what is a cultural mockery of people claiming to need mentally supportive service dogs which is a sick attempt to get access to areas that should not be open up to dogs and the poop to come with them. As head of the anti-pet association we take donations on-line and continue the battle to abolish pet ownership of large mammals including dogs and cats and this long-term goal we hope will be achieved through donations to the cause an word of mouth that animals are deserving of freedom and a life outside the confines of peoples homes as pet slaves. Those wishing to donate to our pet battling organization can feel free to and help out to ending the enslavement of animals that people force locked up and lie that they love as if you loved animals you would have them be out and free.ans nature intended.
Steven Crowder got together with another gay man and they decided to test the theory that restaurants and businesses were more conforming to allow homos with small dogs than gay wads with a big Argentina and Israeli dog as Mr Crowder brought his dog Buttercup to a Target,dollar store, and a Macaroni grill to test how people would react. The award winning YouTube superstar got a reaction and then made some arguments between himself and his partner with the smaller dog to catch peoples attention to this dram as they ate at their favorite corporate restaurant by choice. Mr Crowder brought his huge Argentine domingo dog into women's bathrooms and was confronted by staff at the Dollar store as he told him that he and his dog don't believe in gender stereotypes and both see themselves as a woman and Buttercup sees itself as a bitch.

Jussie Smollett attacked at 35th street beach in Chicago on eve of 1919 race riot rememberance
Arthur "King" Eason
Jussie Smollett was walking along the 35th street beach in Chicago yesterday on the eve of the start of the 1919 race riots and was ruthlessly attacked by what he called MAGA Trump supporters and racists. This is the second tie within a year Mr Jussie was attacked and he is calling for the city of Chicago and Kimm Foxx to fulfill a full investigation as Smollett was beaten to a pulp ironically near the sport where Irish gangs had attacked some Black teens a hundred years ago on rafts. As back then everything to do with the identarians is about race and racism and the reason I reckon the 1919 summer in Chicago saw a race riot was the growing racial agitation and idealism of the Black man former slaves in America starting to think of themselves either as special or superior.
Smollett was taken to the hospital and told police and nurses the attackers made reference to Trump MAGA country and the Ragen's Colts street gang of a hundred years ago. Some are questioning the latest Smollett attack as another staged event as was the January attack in downtown Chicago and Jussie Smollett just seems to have trouble in the Windy City. Some are saying Jussie Smollett is trying to again get attention with his outrageous claim of being attacked in a racial beachfront attack at the exact moment of the Chicago race riot of 1919 which we are celebrating and for years have been looking forward to this centennial celebration as this was a time period where Whites actually acknowledge and were educated about the role of global migrants in destroying their way of life and there was a reason 1919 with the rise of international socialism and the red scare why so many White Americans were realizing they were in the crossbows of a new federal reserve money enemy.
Jussie Smollett was walking along the 35th street beach in Chicago yesterday on the eve of the start of the 1919 race riots and was ruthlessly attacked by what he called MAGA Trump supporters and racists. This is the second tie within a year Mr Jussie was attacked and he is calling for the city of Chicago and Kimm Foxx to fulfill a full investigation as Smollett was beaten to a pulp ironically near the sport where Irish gangs had attacked some Black teens a hundred years ago on rafts. As back then everything to do with the identarians is about race and racism and the reason I reckon the 1919 summer in Chicago saw a race riot was the growing racial agitation and idealism of the Black man former slaves in America starting to think of themselves either as special or superior.

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