Dave Berkson
The rials and tribulations of the rich and powerful. Belinda Stronach , a fine 52 years of age, has counter sued her billionaire father Frank Stronach in deals and trust fund issues as these family member s ahhh show no trust in one another and father Frank thinks Belinda is irresponsible with his assets. The Canadian globalist family runs the largest chain of horse racing tracks and it appears that Belinda wishes to make race tracks more women and family friendly with spas and horseback riding and less of a emphasis in cigar chomping and racing. Horse racing is in a major decline and Ms
frank Stronoch ahas called his daughter insane in the membrane and her and her boy toy business partners are milking the family fortune like a large giant horse stud stallion breeder champ. Frank says her daughter is dropping his wealth spending on personal expenditures as this woman is desperate to live life like Paris Hilton.

Belinda wishes to make capital improvement and profit from new sales of furniture and nail polish for women and phillies alike. Belinda is chairman and president of the Stronach Group and the racetracks she says t]need to go more digital form analog and the collecting of data will be a new utmost venture of this woman's group is she survives the lawsuit and challenge form her father. Belinda wants to spend and update Pilico stadium improving the quality of food for international restaurateurs to own and have little horse donkey parties for the uber wealthy transforming horse racing into a expensive casino style luxury habitat and this outrages the traditionalist blue collar fans of t he Preakness in Maryland. The takeover of horse racing by the elites to milk into fake wealth is a practice that will fly and one can imagine video game tournaments getting more of a paid audience or ratings than the antiquated sport of horse racing that few young people have any affection for and find dull and void of life for man and horse.

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