Bert Berg
Billionaire eccentric H Ross Perot warned America of the dangers and perils of NAFTA and globalism and had much support in his two presidential runs in the nineties that the mainstream bought media helped derail. Ross Perot spent some fifty million on election cycle of his own money to run and he still remains the most recent successful their party presidential candidate of modern times but he likely will not be running in 2020. Many people had expected the billionaire Texan to make a third run in 2020 but his bid was never declared and it appears the near ninety year old Ross Perot was having some health issues that prevented his marvelous comeback. America would of one of greater stability and economic prosperity and Perot formed a political party to address the sell out of the America landscape to foreigners and this explains today why there are only ethnic restaurants and other economic abuse and rape of this nation.

Ross Perot said we would be losing a bunch of jobs and the super wealthy would soak the riches of these new trade deals and then buy up properties and government spreading even more massive inequality and encourage the movement of other international elites and potential new donors and project pets of money supply. Perot lost both elections but his walking around Donald Trump to run and shake up the system and ending this mainstream corruption nobility rule or at least in theory exposing it more and more setting new policies to go after the plutocrats and pedophiles of government. Perot explained hos the wealthy form overseas would become more wealthier with their connections with American companies and they would eventually settle and seek to change this country into their own reclusive unassimilable ways and spots and this is primarily what has happened. Ross Perot is dead a the age of 93 and will not be running for president in 2020.
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