Ben Shapiro unloads on fucking Fredo Chris Cuomo

Martin Manziel
Dream Money
   To say that Chris Cuomo has an easy dream money job thanks to his family name and all he does is read from a teleprompter and attack the president is an underestimate. Cuomo would of lost this dream money job were it not for his connections and his argument with an average citizen and his attitude and elite feeling along with his stupidity is more the reason for him  to lose his job. Cuomo has no talent and reason for being especially on any cable broadcast channel and the reason hundreds of thousands are cutting the chord of cable is because they don't want to flip through their channels and see a piece of shit like fredo on the air tlaking to them.
Rockstar YouTube talk show host Ben Shaprio pointed out that there are few calls form the lamestream media for Cuomo to lose his job and had he been a conservative or Republican all the main networks would be calling for that person to lose their job. Chris Cuomo is a jag fag with no business in a position to where he is and is only so because of the power an done party state of Democratic rule in New York and other large mainly foreign cities in this country that global trade has enabled to be taken over. Cuomo is a thug and a hack who can't take a little ribbing and heat he dishes out daily through his lame CNN low-rating broadcast where he sneers and sassy he is way through another broadcast thinking himself of superioity because of his profession and his name which in many ways are tied together and Fredo knows this.

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