Bill Nye sets up an exploratory committee and is considering running for president in 2020 to challenge president Trump

EDarl "Bam Bam" Cunningham
    Bill Nye appeared on MSNBC to bash president Trump and again make the assertions that the rest of the climate changing brain-washed word is filled with anger and roids about how America is resisting the fake news of the fake scientists like William Nye saying something must be done about climate change. The globalist agenda in spreading the warming myth and dangers to the planet is all about economic takeover  take over of economies and money for themselves as these ridiculous candidates like Bernie and other Democrat come up with these 1333 trillion spending plans of wealth money and creation for  new owners and companies to deal with this fake crisis.
Bill Nye wishes for free money to be create for new captains of industry and energy and this is basically all this fake talk of this creep is all about as other seek to profit form the phoniness of a crisis of the planet warming due to human activity. If Bill Nye wanted to save the planet he would be demanding forced sterilization in countries such as Kenya and Indonesia as no amount  of energy transition of windmills and solar panels will stop the fact that hungry unproductive mouths in these shit hole countries need to be fed and they want warm meals and not crickets,bugaroos, and  hoppers off the grass.
Bil Nye is so angered by the conservative and global backlash resistance to the wackiness and mainstream media lying of the likes of himself that he is seeking to run for president or becoming a revolutionary vanguard warrior saint of mother Earth  and he will personally lead a program to overthrow industrial societies and return man to the bronze age. Bill Nerd is a liar,a charlatan, and jackass, and a slime bucket undeserving of any speak as a non science guy and one that plays one of television as he has no climatic or meteorology background and is just some mechanical engineer toy maker bullshit artist like no other and perhaps this  is the only thing that qualifies this man to run for president. I just prefer it he do it in Bolivia or Cameroon

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