Miss Iraq bashes Illhan Omar as a religious extremist and not representative of Muslims

Ali Muhammad
   Sarah Idan is a former Miss Iraq who knows life under political extremists such as Iihan Omar would not offer her the chance and freedom to dress as she pleases. Sarah attacked the twisted representative from Minnesota as not being representative of her as a Muslim and that Iihan Omar is not the mainstream Muslim voice and is instead one from the rural hinterlands that seek to repressed other speech thoughts , and yes wear.
Idan knows first hand coming from that culture and the evil that Iihan Omar represents and is a advocate for would push to enforce women into a third class status after the camel and women would have no opportunities to dress and act as they please and the authoritarian nature of radical Islam  is something that Sarah is warning people about as the radical foreigners get a beachhead and into the political systems of the West such as this Iihan Omar.
The beauty queen warned the American people this woman doe snot represent most Muslims but instead she represents the radical religious Islamo fascists of the Middle East that use politics and the state  often to gain leverage and power especially in the rural areas where Omar is from and they set of a system of terror against those people who disagree with the radical lifestyle of heavy thoughts coming form the nook of the Koran that teaches repression and evil are justified. The sick congresswoman form Minnesota wishes to imbue the minds of minorities and Muslims that they should act and think like the Islamic state or Al Qaeda and this poses a major threat to our nation having this wench in the halls of congress. Make no mistake IIhan Omar is not for political equality or women rights as a member of this ragtag extremist global network based out of Iran wishing to take over Arab countries and installing a 7th century form of barbarism fascism and it was great to hear a woman form the region to call out the B in the bitch that is IIhan Omar.

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