Scumbag Steve Chapman mad at Trump and federal execution allowance

  Noel Parker
    The federal government is going ahead with executions after some time and for mainstream media hacks like the Chicago tribunes Steve Chapman this is depressing news, Chapman and other anti-death penalty have more sympathy with brutal killers than the victims put to death by these incarcerated monsters and wasting money to feed and keep these demons alive just should not be allowed despite the rhetoric of the far-left media in this country such as this pinhead Steve Chapman. This writer along with others do not want to see punishment delivered stringing out the same old lines that the death penalty is determined by the prosecutor and race often plays a part in the decision. Race also plays a part in the disproportionate amount of crimes that qualify for the death penalty in stranger murder abductions and these are crimes the blacks do often in proportion to the general public population,
In fact the reason more blacks ar eon death row is their propensity for heinous crimes and jackasses Steve Chapman know this and he doesn't want to see eye for eye justice delivered because of the skin tome of these brutal killers. The Chicago Tribune and other little read dying newspapers are in disarray basically bought and paid for by special interest groups and advocate writers such as Steve Chappunk who just lie and use the pen as a sword in political attacks and his recent rant against president Trump and and Chapman doesn't want to admit that tougher police standards and the death penalty explain the massive drop in crime and because of it that does not mean we shouldn't off these demonic killers and have them continue to be occupied space in our country especially given the lengths of Democrats some of whom would actually want to give men on death row a political voice and voting rights.

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