Stupid Brian Rosenwald writes a book claiming Rush Limbaugh and Morton Downey Jr in 1988 went to time machine and helped Donald Trump get elected in 2016

 Ed West
    There are some  asinine absurd authors like no other and perhaps one of the most egregious asses of the pen need to be this clown I saw ion CNN promoting some book about how talk radio conservatives aka 1988 in Rush Limabaugh and Morton Downey Junior helped elected Donald Trump in 2016. This is the basis of the book written about Mr Limbaugh and Mr Downey two radio hosts we called many many times back in the day many many moons ago and somehow this silly jackass Brian Rosenwald thinks these guys in the eighties went on to hel Mr Trump in 2016. Mr Jewish Rosenwald seems to think the Morton Downey Jr Juniors and Rush Limbaugh's just

suddenly turned on a switch ahhhhhhhh much like a light switch in a hallway of a dark room. This nimrod just can't get that other political views exist then as now  and differentiating opinions were already out there at the time  and Mr Downey and Mr Limbaugh along with other great right-wing radio hosts tapped  a market that the CNN'S and NBCs refused to allow a voice in the public discourse. This newfound ability of conservatives and right-wingers to get the message out is what drives the
current insanity of limousine liberals and Black panther radical Black supremacist Democratic Party corrupts insane in their membrane. Rosenwald's book is bullshit and he is a shit reporter well deserving of a shit spot on the shit fake news misleading network called CNN and for anyone to think Rush Limbaugh and Chicago;s own Morton Downey Junior were responsible for president Trump's amazing and marvelous victory is ahh like saying the mainstream media's obsession with Black racial identity topics and Bill Clinton got the Arkansas hick and punk elected twice and almost almost got his sick bitch into the White House on numerous occasions only to have the Americana people
awaken and prefer rule of a Islamic Kenyan and a New York real estate debt magnet in the White House than hand selected rule of the mainstream media. I wish Mr Rosenwald can go back in time like he claims time traveler Rush and Mort were able and then Mr Rosey can get a guest spot check on Mr Downey's show and get a fist and Mort's saliva into his face and learn a thing or two about the problem of falsehood lies and misinformation and how it should be treated.

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