Willie Wongo Bong Ching Mow appear on Fox News warning of more bloodshed in Hong Kong
Baba Pugwuthi Two great activists of the Hong Kong Independence movement came ot America and pushed for the idea of an eventual Independence and beginning for Hong Kong as the majority of the people want and have no desire to be part of the current Chinese authoritarian undemocratic state that our business and cor[orate leaders attempted to sell our country. Ching Mow said China must be stopped and warned Americans to have tbeir business leaders stop kissing the ars of this brutal monopolist one-party crony state that lacks competition whether it be business or politician praising this sick state
that seeks to expand its ideology and undemocratic principles and values. Ching Mow recounted all the times has has been taken down by the gestapo tactics of Hong Kong police who should e joining the protesters instead of actively working and beating them to a pulp. Ching Mow and Willie Bong are rockstars of this movement and like our recent hire Jay Yang they may have to take out some life insurance policy or ahh make the move to North America and gobble up real estate driving urban housing costs in corrupt Blue cities even greater. Both activists said these protests ar enot going to end soon and like the French Yellow vest movement that the globall media is suppressing it will continue until their demands and desires are met and there will be much bloodshed until the Red Chinese acquiescence
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