Jacob Orth angered by increasing fees and drink/ bar fees in Vegas City casinos

Baxter Lomax
   The casinos are desperate to show their investors international inc growth and are squeezing as much and much as they can form their clients and the   struggling Middle and Working classes so desperate to hob nob with the Vegas Dice crowd are getting squeezed. Jacob runs Jacobs Life in Vegas YouTube channel and in it he informs of all of the increasingly and innovative ways Vegas is making it more and more difficult for anyone outside the one percent to live and vacation in this desert rathole of international corruption and despotism surveillance culture. Jacob says that there has been
a push by MGM to add a service fee not for bottle exclusive table service but for the average person using a bar which is just pathetic and awful and more of a reason for people to avoid .

  Las Vegas is free falling and has China puts its grip on Hong Kong look for even less international elitism and travels form Asia into Vegas City that basically has been the engine of growth for thees eglobal casinos that exist because the American government allows the spread of  this disease of casinos and the bamboozlment of people through them. The new drinking service fee is another attempt by these large greedy casinos to practically price out the middle class and people of modest incomes form this glitzy city and is a concentrated effort by the global elites and basically sooner or later when the global recession finally crashes this city will go back to the desert and jackrabbt environment it belongs. Jacob wonders where the Vegas City fees will come next and he suggested they enact a rug cleaning fee for anyone who enters and walks into a casino

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