President Trump is going after the libtard nonsense top sell flavored smoke to your children in the hope of getting them use to it and eventually convinced that Marijuana and cigarettes are viable future products. Mandy works at Zee Vape shop in multicultural and anti-American Des Plaines,Illinois and recently she over heard some customers support president trump in banning flavored smokies that are targeted towards young adults. Mandy and her manager a dip shit named Todd Leduc confronted the Trump supporter who reminded them that Massachusetts just decided
to ban all vape shops and that if they are not careful he will tweet and report their store for the feds to shut down. Zee Vape and the liberal retarded freak out at he customer is often repeated in these libtard vape shops run by addicts pushing a harmful product that is mostly owned by foreigners from the Middle East and this is especially true in the Glenview and Des Plaines river basin area where this business is located. Vape shops have been described by researchers for having done much damage to young peoples lungs with hundreds of them getting sick pneumonia and severe respiratory illness thanks to the often unregulated mixing of unknown chemicals for these dastardly products brought forth by globalists. Many of these businesses are allowed to operate in place of a massive food desert problem that can be fixed form encouraging smaller produce business and independent owners but the system is so corrupt we let a few large grocery retail to dominate many urban,suburban, and rural areas across this nation. This problem will only get worse as are corrupt Democratic Politicians have legalized more forms of a marijuana ingredient called THC that will only harm more young people into this recreational use . The absurdity that pot legalization advocates say that marijuana is practical medical use also smacks into the recent evidence of the researchers lying in order to help redistribute wealth towards Latin Americans who produce and peddle these disgusting drugs.
As I said Massachusetts recently decided to stop all vape shops and in the time being all of these vape shops and stand alone cigarette stores need to be eliminated and healthier products and alternatives offered against this global business class that seems to be in the business of making people sicker and forcing a demand for government run health care as if its some plot to weaken the country.
Why are these Lebanese and Paki/Indian trade class not opening up green fresh vegetable produce small shops marketed to all and not just tier own ethnic group as is so often the case. Why doe this country allow the profiteering of food and going out to eat making it so expensive while allowing so many chemical puff and vape shops??? The end needs to come to this recent phenomena of cigarette and vape shops and green places offering fresh produced need to be funded,invested, and produced.
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