Arnold Buckley

The Bayou of Louisiana has many rural swampland backwater backwards areas of this country whose teens often skateboard and hover on water.Eighteen year old Gilgamish Homan fell off his skateboard showing pranks and trying to impress the transgender girls on the campus of Louisiana State University and now new calls are being made to outlaw these skateboards and snap some new mentality into the deranged minds of young men who insist on using these toys for a method of street transportation. Gilgamesh's brain was meshed up like fish as he fell back and busted his fucking skull and his death is one of three the Louisiana State Snowflake campus student body has now
experienced this semester after mysterious death of one female and the shooting death by a Black man of another student working in a gas station. Mr Homan liked to watch cartoons and read comics and he often tried to portray the stunts of some anime AI cartoon he saw on cable and was a big fan thinking the cartoon was him and he had to replicate the tricks and stunts seen in this cartoon.

This death is a tragedy as are all skateboarding deaths and basically this is an industry that should not exist and be allowed to peddle dangerous injury-provoking stunts that these young men who can't grow out of childhood insist in their stubbornness to hang on to and not give up. it really is sad and an embarrassment to manhood seeing these boy-soy men ride around on a skateboard when they are obviously much older and put of their teenhood years.
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