Trevor Noah and Seth Myers go full frontal Ukrainian conspiracy on Trump

       Jordan Morgan
        It seems every year of two there is some collusion allegation made against president Trump by the far left and their media for-ore honchos and for the late night talk show propagandists full frontal Ukraine news and reading is now zenithing and teething from the liberal crew. Seth Myers and Trevor Noah are acting like this is the Russia 2.0 and are totally immersed in this new propaganda and I'M sure in ayear or two these two shits along with other son the far left will conclude there is some commentary and Trump campaign collusion with Belarus. For bow though it is full frontal Ukraine madness and Myers and the East African Trevor Noah globalist network for hire in America
probably cannot even locate the country of Ukraine on a map and no where does any of these commentators acknowledge or consider the influence and corruption of Joe Biden and his dirty son Hunter. For this fact  it is an on-issue and they are now taking what is a issue concerning allegations of meddling into the judicial system of other nations by the fucking dirty the Biden family and turning it on Trump with a new excuse and allegations of tampering when a career politician like Joe Biden has made a three decade habit of the misuse of power and Trump demand on actions according to this allegations seem practical and worthy and not the campaign  influence that the lefties democrats are whining about. In about six months the Democrats and their lackeys in the media will be bitching about something president Trump said to a representative to Kazakhstan about Bernie Sanders and support for Afghanistan and Yemeni  bannastand owners and corruption in New York City.

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