Bert Berg seen in Mount Prospect library blogging hate for MSNBC Steve Kornacki

      Martin Manziel
Dream Money
   the 2109 is the year of Steve Koracki and his stupid polls for this blog and the spread of fake news and polls has always been a political tactic in he liberal Democrats as a key aspect of their media arsenal of misinformation and propaganda. Steve Kornacki and his polls are the fountains of misinformation   and somehow in 2016 not having cable and access to cable this stupid neurotic and eccentric piece of shit escaped the wrath of the Right Bull Bloggers.
Bert Berg is a crazed writer at this blog and often can be seen at the Mount Prospect library blogging or playing fornite with many of his younger friends and this guy is a jackass and a half. Bert Berg often brings up politics  in these games and often bashes mainstream media who he says have a dream job of manipulation and only professional gamers have more of an easy and fun gig that pieces of shit like Steve Kornacki
. This is an  idiot who should be baggin g groceries at a big box Cotsco retailer instead of a  high income dream job making up polls and hand gestures in front of MSNBC cameras.

Speaking of jackasses Mr erg is infuriated of MSNBC and its continually role of just being Trump bashing television and Bert cannot believe this sesame street operation continues to exist and is not shut down by president Trump because this  network and CNN are not media but political tackiness and divisional fracterization and dissent purpose mainly drawing its funding and sources form international corporate funding to be so political garbage and obvious propaganda.
 Bert Berg was recently  seen in the Mount Prospect ,Illinois library sporting a new hat, a new labtop, dining in on Subway sandwiches, listening to P diddy, and chugging Monster energy sugar  soda in another twelve hour marathon internet experience at this North suburban Chicago area library as this man does not live life anymore and has become Ray Kurzweil's dream of humanity techno zombie  eyes fixated on the computer screen blogging his hatred for Steve Kornecki and Cenk Uygur of the young Turks Network. Some have sworn this guy urinates queasily in his Monster energy can and thus avoids the inconvenience of having to go to the bathroom while in Mt Prospect library and thus avoids missing a minute or two and missing pop up advertising commercials or losing points in ahhh fortnight of Star Wars battlefront games.  Bert Berg says this wuss Steve Kornacki should not be in front of television screens in front of television screens being a front fuck for the meddler global trade class waging economic warfare against the Trump administration and this country's real people and middle class. Bert berg has called for the mass arrest of all executives and personalities at CNN and MSNBC  (throw in CBS and ABC jag fags as well) and he would like to hand out Steve Kornacki prisoner number tag  1A Jag fag and have Steve Kornacki have a electronic screen detailed map of Yukon and Alaska sitting in a prison cell over there with nothing else to look at for 23 hours of the day.

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