Big Head Brewery makes bad beer and allows snobbing young professionals to bring ugly dogs and feed them popcorn

Baxter Lomax
   Many of these eccentric brew pubs are opening up and one in Wauwatosa,Wisconsin is called Big Head Brewing where many of the high-income trust fundsters in their twenties hang out in a place that is not their grandfathers or great grandfathers tavern, These new brew pubs are the anti-saloon anti-bar often homely ugly places with no decoration aside form the often bad beer produced by these breweries. I recently went to Big Head brewery in Wauwatosa
 These new pubs and breweries are created often next to luxury apartments where the nouvell rich can move to and live like UN Agenda 21 as the young are told they should not  have houses anymore because this is bad for the planet and they have been convinced that the future is all people living on top of one another and hearing the bums that go in the middle of the night. I noticed several dirty dogs as this pet obsessed society creates these
pubs in a desperate attempt  to skirt laws about people bring their mutts into establishments and what was egregious in the night I visited was that these sons of dogs were feeding their dogs popcorn which is just sick and unhealthy for the animal. As head of the anti-pet foundation we abhor seeing people treat animals like shit feeding them popcorn and basically making  animals into pet slaves to serve the interests of these sick people who get their kicks of power through pet ownership and slavery and we are always taking donations and funding to bring more awareness of the pet problem and how the capitalist order and consumer driven society have put so many cats and dogs in these situations where they have no control in their existence and basically serve as props and entertainment to humanity and its sick desire to control other beings.

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