Hodge Twins come on Stephan Crowder and blast Neil De Grasse Tyson,Bill Nye and climate change Nazis

 Carlson Tucker
    Stephan Crowder and the Hodge Twins couldn't believe the level stupidity the climate change Chargers are stooping to a new lower level. This lower spectrum of debate by the liars that man is changing the earths atmosphere and endangering all life level stepped so low by the armpits of the climate control fear mongers as they found some Swedish girl to be their spokesman. The branding of Greta Thernberg by the climate activists is their latest desperate attempt for news coverage and to brain-wash the new generation in thinking that fossil fuels and industrialization is somehow harmful
for the environment. The attack against the West and the lifestyle goes way back and helped establish networks to push these fake scientists like Neil De Grasse Tyson and Bill Nye to be some spokesmen with their cable monopolist kids programming and eventual fear mongering that the planet is drying up into a wasteland that they lie saying Mars became over night.In actuality Mars climate changed from a normal activity of space and the solar system and I'm surprised Neil Tyson and Bill Nye don't blame
humanity  Mars going from having oceasn into its current status. The Hodge twins told Mr Crowder
as guests on his program that the left is insane and its desire into the belief they can control Earths temperature by lowering the thermostat,throwing away air conditioner and pedaling Flintstones-type cars is another blunder  of thought more evidence that they are unhinged and brian cells heavily damaged into thinking humans impact has such a detrimental affect on  this large planet and its atmosphere. Nye and Tyson Grass will lie and state there is so much evidence the Earth is warming and that in fifty years wile will have to wait and see if their prediction of an increase in two degrees will come to be true. Of course, by then Mr Tyson and Nye will be taking dirt naps and might be colds tone dead or nice and crispy as the earth's dirt bubbles into a
muddy thermal heat -insulated river bed. The Hodge Twins eviscerated these two climate fear mongers climate monsters scaring children more in this era than evil clowns and the boogie woogie men of the North Woods. The Green Tea Party  lefties movement and climate crisis is an objective of politics and that rise to serve a
purpose and it peaked like peak oil in 2008 with their successful rigging of the election to get climate change forecaster Barack Obama Kenya elected as the first president of the United States of Blue and green America. The fact that Obama has been replaced by a ugly Swedish girl coming from  a nation with no direct impact of coastal storm threats was  not lost on Stephan Crowder or the Hodge Twins. The three expressed that some moneyed fake movement of climate crisis is grooming Greta Therberg to be the first president if the United Nations Union.

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