Neil De Grass Tyson and Russel Brand get into a vicious argument about spirituality and science

     Clark Kramer
   Russel Brand had on his vlogcast the one and only Neil De Grasse Tyson and the two men spoke at length about various topics of the supernatural and space and beyond. Space and science of course is the favorite topic of the New York Astrophysicist at some museum in New York. As for Mr Brand a strong belief in spirituality has long been part of his belief system and the two distinguished and popular men of the internet argued back and forth about the relevancy of factual based systems in backing up in what is Mr Grass's opinion the silliness and aloofness of spirituality and all religions. Neil Grasse De Tyson hates religion because he is part of the modern era and new religion of rocketry and space and sees traditional religion of being in the way and something that needs to go as Tyson a others believe that serving  science and more expenditures by government are necessary to getting
man out there and in what is Mr Neil's religious thought of the destiny of man to colonize and inhabit and explore impossible and inhabitable planets that may or may not exist. Te god that Bill Nye and Neil Tyson worship and believe is Carl Sagen and Carl Sagen could say he nuts sand instead of sperm and Mr Tyson and Bill Nye would  of believde him.  All of these Kepler-type planets are questionable and there is no actual proof except for shadowblasting that the scientific community insists and lies about existing and the Goldilocks search for inhabitable earth-like planets is a complete farce meant to fund the researchers and goofballs like a Mr Neil De Grasse Tyson

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