The time Roger Healy was working for a foreign government and rewarded handsomely

      Noel Parker
     I dream of Jeanie season 3 episode five or fifteen pretty much showed the dangers when a foreign government attempts to bribe people with classified information or power to corrupt such a w as done with Hunter den and Ukraine. Roger Healy went into a instant playboy and was accused by the powers in the military where the budding astronaut worked in Cape Canaveral. Roger Healy is one of my favorite sixties era characters and he is dirty as fuck often pretending he is such a nice guy. In this episode the budding astronaut first met Jeanie in the classic comedy I dream of Jeannie and then started working  for a foreign entity and making more money and millions and millions in bonus money form these foreign governments and in much of the way a Roger Healy is alot like the Global trade advocates of American business ho essentially do the same dam thing.

The American traitorous trade businessmen and government officials  has enriched themselves form selling out this country in so many ways. Roger Healy is typical of the far left urban snowflake progressives more concerned with allowing lawlessness reign supreme in their areas as long as their ability to corrupt  and conquer through division and gerrymandering.  Roger Healy would be a Democrat if around today and his Hugh Heffner lifestyle was out on a short leash just for this episode that showed several scantly clad women getting gasps from the studio audience when viewing these babes in bikinis as it was still very rare back in the late sixties to see women sexuality so vividly prurience  displayed on broadcast television. It id access to hot women which also allows tremendous trade abuses to be allowed by business people always looking for an advantageous piston in society and the benefits  and lifestyle that come with it

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