Tommy Sotomayer bashes Muchelle Obama a new ass as the report on Indianapolis crine

Earl "Bam Bam" Cunningham
   Tommy Sotomayer took to the airwaves and went on his huge podcast informing the listeners of the crime epedemic in Indianapolis and how it is spreading to downtown Indianapolis. Tommy played several videos and then the pictures of the suspects to shootings that resulted in the death sf several black girls and not too long ago Tommy Sotomayer went to Indianapolis after being challenged by a local Black nationalist upset at how Tommy calls it out and Mr Sotomayer played the video of his travels and walkabout after the challenge form the hater in the ever increasing nasty Indy hood.

Tommy Sotomayer also blasted former first man Michelle Obama and he says the decline of our city and base Indianapolis is the cause of high influx of uneducated Black folks who think nothing but of themselves and causing havoc in the city. Tommy wondered how Michelle Obama can be the bitch that he is and basically complain about white flight when people are just flying from the shit heads in these cities shooting up and causing all of the vast majority of violent crimes and he wondered why people didn't call out the first man husband for former president Barack Hussein Obama. Tommy Sotomayer says Black people cause White flight and East Asian flight and South Asian flight etc etc as who would wan to live in the chaos and shit hole of urban blacks and the things and drama they cause often wrecking communities upon their entrance and causing the flight that Obama complained about without looking into the actual facts of the incidents and dangers of ghettoism of which causes people to flee for their lives.

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