Blacks on the attack in New York with dozens of racial an anti-semitic attacks daily

       Jordan Morgan
   A machete wielding deranged Black man attacked a Rabbis house and almost killed five people in t  latest string of attacks against Jews, Hispanics ,Whites Gays,Asians, and others in what is the continual spread of hate within the Black mind spread from both Israelite and Black Muslim extremists filling the blacks with even more hate than they naturally have for the other. Both Governor Andrew Quomo and Mayor Bill De Blassio are besides themselves wanting to use these anti-semitic attacks to blame president Trump and White nationalism when all of the perpetrators are black as the Ace of spades.
For the racial identity N lovers this is a problematic issue and something that De Blassio and Cuomo will continue to ignore and the attacks against orthodox Jews and others will continue to grow in this racist Black power and black supremacy  sanctuary city. The Blacks as a race and people are disproportional unstable and unable to control their urges and using them as a political street weapon of hate has been a stone cold fact since the civil rights era and for some reason Orthodox Jews are under their radar in New York. It is not just Jews as we seen last week in a brutal 9 on one street
mugging of a sixty year old man who was just declared dead the other day from the cowardly attack by demonic hate filled Blacks. The Orthodox Jews and others in New York are besides themselves as they are suffering dozens of assaults a week and few if any of these people are being locked up and a Jew needs to be beaten to death for this rotten apple city. The Blacks are deranged and on the attack and some authorities are warning tourist and others to be o their guard whenever near a group of Afro's on the streets and this is the same advice we have been giving for many years insisting that these cities prevented conceal gun right sin order to allow the negroes and Blacks full access to brutality against their citizenry.
The mainstream media and New York is so bad I'm shocked they even arrested anyone for this Hanukkah attack and named the suspect  showing his picture as Grafton Thomas. There still have been no arrests for the beating death of a 60 year old Latino man by ten Blacks and sooner or later Trump needs to send in the feds to get a handle on this race and city that allows such assaults and attacks to go unpunished as most of these anti-Semitic anti-White attacks on students and gays go unpunished by the corrupt Black judges and liberal court system of this city.

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