Eddie Murphy comes to Saturday Night live and just rehashes old past boring characters

Leroy Yates
    Eddie Murphy hasn't done anything good or worthy for some decades so it was not surprise to see him come onto a show that  made him and also ca be described the same way. Eddie Murphy appeared on Saturday Night Live and rehashed the same old tired characters updating it for 2019 and something like this is sad to see as the fact that an Eddie Murphy is no longer rel-vent is because of the bias towards youth a Saturday Night Live and culture instills on it population and old men with no country or comedy programming like Mr Murphy are regulated to doing "old" stuff. The problem with Eddie Murphy is Eddie Murphy is old and he doesn't resound with the young crowd and I wonder how many people watching Saturday night Live have actually new the characters Mr
Murphy were bringing back that made him a star back in the day. Perhaps in twenty years Mr Eddie will again pop up on Saturday Night Live rehashing Mr Robinson and Gumby looking older an wiser with his short SNL skits. Eddie Murphy hasn't doe relevant great movies since Pluto Nash and Best Defense and the recent crap he has done pales in  comparison to his early great moves such as these two iconic films. Eddie Murphy though we believe is still capable of creating something new and expressively unique at his age and he should be given a live skit comedy programming given his talents and appreciable talents and it is odd how in this generation there are no variety shows under peoples names as there was in the past in television programming and Eddie Murphy characters on SNL were great in the day and another era. He is still capable of something unique and new and should be pushed to create such in new programming for television.

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