Fake news journalist Andre Higgins overblows the threat from Vladimir Putin

  Frank Banks IV
    New York Times fake news journalist Andrew Higgins is worried and scared of the Russian Bear. Russia is a power and traditionally ha been an empire expanding out East as Peter the Great and other early leaders of Russia imitated and admired the West and now the resurgence of Russia and Vladimir Putin is a major concern for the war loving deep state and it sadistic lying media   and writers such as this hack Andrew Higgens.

Russia  controls Central Asia and should be let to such and if it expanded to the Baltic of Eastern Europe for a buffer against the evils Russia has faced for the Scandinavian or Central Europeans then let it be so There should be no alarm form the fake news writers like Andrew "fuckface Higgins who wish and desire to use the rise and power of Russia to somehow undermine and attack president Trump. The same attack fro this fake writer is the same smear that these same American journalists and political opponents attack Mitch McConnell calling him Moscow Mitch.  The fear and loathing of Russia supremacy and rise is really not about Russia but about internal politics within America and if the Russian people (or American for that matter) really had such a problem with Putin's domination of politics then they would be i the streets.
What the continuing Russian attacks is based upon is that Russia is no longer the Soviet Union and instead of being a far-left Marxist state it is a right-wing fascistic state and this has the American left angry as fuck and madder than a hen without feathers or an egg to sit. Vladimir Putin brought mother Russia back form the brink and possibility of being carved up by Ukraine, China, India Norway,America, and the EU authoritarians and brought power and prestige back to the Russian people and its proper role of influential brokers and dealers in the region and the global community. For the most part Russia s using its power to a proper prospective in global terms and if one believes Mr Higgins and other mainstream corporate media Mr Putin is in the category of Ivan the terrible and
nothing further form this truth is obvious. I guess the mainstream media form time to time need to get away from the Orange Hitler and attack another power figure as these lowly writers like Mr Higgins are Green in jealousy  of the power of these leaders. Andrew an others blame Russia and Putin for the spread of fake news and conspiracy theories and perhaps Mr Higgins is too dumb to realize these things existed far before Mr Putin and at time when baby Putin was in his crib. Mr Huggins also speak with fork tongue describing Putin's and grab for Crimea and I wonder in the age of yellow journalism if Higgins would criticize the British empires grab of this same territory and whether Andrew thinks that Crimea should be rewarded and returned to Central Asian nomads and the Tatars? Andrew Higgins is both a jackass and a fuckface bad New York Times manipulator and liar of international affairs and one can hope one day he doesn't return from Mother Russia and is sent to a hard prison labor camp either in Yukon,Alaska, or Siberia.

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