James Corbett and Simon Whislter bash the asshole of moron Sasha Baron Cohen and Cenk Uygur

  Ali Muhammed
    Conspiracy expert  James Corbett and economic fact researcher Simon Whistler bth this week put out excellent videos bashing the asshole of the asshole actor and manipulator repressed of free speech Sasha Baron Cohen. Mr Corbett hoped the audacious and rotten speech was some gag and upcoming movie by this predicable neurotic and eccentric actor working on a new project as he make sit o obvious of the liberal  odious attempt  to suppress  free speech, Simon Whistler meanwhile couldn't believe a man who make movies on the edge would be speaking to the ADL and push for the rights of freedom of

expression to be curtailed for other individuals and that Sasha must of been on drugs before his outlandish speech some weeks ago looking to attack on-line social media platforms for giving people the rights to organize and speak of issues that a Sasha Baron Cohen dirtball Hollywood lefties might decide is offensive because he is a fucking snowflake. Sasha Baron says freedom of reach shouldn't be applied as freedom of speech and the real hate filled are these plutocrats like this piece of shit long over-rewarded for his movie propaganda and insult to this nation and this man should be renamed Sasha Moron instead of the three names he uses he is this stupid. Dr James Corbett actually thought for  awhile he was doing a parody but in fact make no mistake Mr Moron is a total authoritarian desiring for those on the right and conservative have no rights and expression and Jew like him label those with views making Democrats looking  bad as Nazis in order to smear the critics of insane liberal policies.
The reason the left  wishes to suppress the speech of non-progressives is because the right points out the hypocrisy and bullshit coming form their political spectrum and Sasha Moron Cohen is not even an American but a fucking globalist meddler of out country and others with a agenda of financial oppression and freedom reduction of people in America and the West. Simon Whistler says that through  free money Central banking (Jew) funding explains how the garbage and movies of a Sasha Moron actually gets funded and why anyone even knows this clown and why he even is a so called celebrity getting invited to speak to a Jewish hat organization going after Facebook and Twitter because they serve as a public free speech platform for ALL. Both Whistler and Corbett agreed that the mentality of this bad actor likely was bred by propagandist and current Democratic primary presidential candidate the ogre Cenk Uygur a fat meat head libtard doing his best to push hate and fear mongering of conservatives and republican voices for his political advantage and funding to the TYT network form Turkey and other hostile states against the current administration

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