Max Keiser praises corrupt Argentine republic and encourages more Chinese investment for farm products and ability to tarnish polllute beautiful Prannha river ssysytem

  Carlton Olsen
   Award losing Russian Today and pro-China television perennial  dollar hater Max Keiser looks like a big leprechaun  and was in Argentina this week praising China's increasing encroachment upon countries and its new pact deals for purchasing Argentine grains and soy products as Keiser says will fuck our farmers. Argentine is a country always with currency manipulation and economic problems as it is part of the Catholic money dipping empire and is filled with these Euro trash Italian and Spanish globalists and because they are now opening up their country to more Chinese investment and the pollution to come with it Max Keiser is glad because he thinks somehow Americas farmers will get disgruntled and attack  president Trump. Keiser came aboard his program with his beautiful wife Stacy to bash  American farmers and business and  countries like Argentina will now benefit form increased investment form the freedom democratic Asian force that is China. Max Keiser is a jack hole and a half with facts up his ass wrong distracted qlways thinking of silver and gold much like the leprechan in him.Does he have any clue that Argentina is defaulting on everything

Americna farmers and business need not be so reliant on  this brutal authoritarian wicked undemocratic county/empire such as China and the less we initiate trade and policies with this opioid pushing country the better we will be as a nation. American farmers need to be growing more fresh greens and vegtables brinign down the proce and ending the c of food deserts and unhealthy crap sold in Indian globalist shit hole convenience store instead of pushing hog grain and soy beans that humans cannot devour and eat. Anyone who thinks that our agriculture industry somehow benefitted form having a government and surveillance spreading system as Chia having more influence in our hartland corrupting our governments through trade have a corrupt
As a agent for Mother Russia, Spanish and British globalist empire  Maxwell Keiser knows this and uses his platform and program to attack American empire all while ignoring or condoning the practices and abuses of these brutal regimes with more massive human rights violations and internet camps that America which basically puts the right people away in camps such as Guantanamo . Keiser keeps talking about how the nation state will eventually come and go and says humanity will continue to trade but trade abuse needs not to continue and with a Trump administration and other pro-American administration unequal trade and corny capitalism globalism need not to continue and will not. If Argentine wants to be he new partner with Chin and have its country exploited and extracted by the brutal sneaking Chinese business class then let it be as Max Keiser's recent visit and pro Argentine newscasts were likely bought and funded by the Argentine government.
Look for the Piranha river to be a sewage dumping ground where all the Piranha will die with increased river traffic and Chinese barges sweeping more soy beans to make more soy boys in fucking China and elsewhere. Mr Keiser is a little Scottish leprechaun  globalist attacking the US dollar because he is told to do so and is on pay for the Bitcoin Snakecoin corruption industry and he will continue to market Gold dust and Fakecoin bitcoin all viable alternative currencies which of course is bullshit and shark fin.

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