Jordan Morgan
Michael Moore is an anti-American hater and a ig fat idiot who likely is purchasing his own air time on MSNBC. The activist hater of American might and military power has never seen an international crisis go to waste and which he cannot blame the United States and he recently tweeted i Farsi his greatest apology and respect to a dictator terrorist that finally a American president put an end. Qassim Solemani was one of the big three Iranian general always making threats and speaking pf producing some nukes on America or wiping the Jews off the face of the planet with another holocaust and this dog bit more than he could chew as for years reading about this idiot and all he had to say on the internet I couldn't believe that Israel or America did not kill this son of a donkey.

Michael Moore also is the son of a whore and a jackass who brad and raised this idiot and how this guy with his bad movies and propaganda continues to have his ugly face make comments and a mockery of this nation is embarrassing.. I don't know why Michael Moore just doesn't move to Iran f he loves it so and believes men like Qassim Suleimani are such lovable hug gable grand pas. Sulimani was a butcher but one would never see this fact spoken by the fat propagandist Michael Moore as he admires Me Suluimani and dreams of a day he cold of been head of a private security police organization for the leftist socialist leader of his choice. Moore is one of the most repulsive and sick individuals and it should not be surprising that the far left MS BC folk somehow think this nut is a re presentable respected voice to be hear d and tis is more of the reason this network and its policies is deserving of a police raid and shut down as Michael Moore is an enemy fro within more than willing to work with or nations enemies during time of war. More should be a political prisoner on par with the terrorists currently being held in Guatemalan Bay.

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