Chris Chappel mocks the World Bank for giving "developing" China very low interest loans so they can gobble up real estate and invest in surveillance state tech

  Lee Park Kong
   The World Bank (Jewish) runs a massive fraud of low-interest loaning to brutal authoritarian states such as China and propping up their dictators in a horrendous decision and allowances and this alone is tho blame for the increasing authoritarian and Chinese style-colonialism being spread to other continents.lands, and stans. Chris Chappel of China Uncensored how the growth of China is primarily a result of free low-interest money that China uses to build up its interment concentration camps in Tibet and Xinjiang and what a disgrace it was for past American administrations and banksters in agreement to fund and  to build up the Chinese one-party undemocratic repressive communist state. This same state  that now is building a chain of islands in the South China Sea to harass and eventually conquer their neighbors.
 Chappel sees some good news as finally there are calls for the World Bank to quit supplying this growing menace giant i Asia and they should not be funding the repression tactics and power of this undemocratic foe to the West and our allies out in Asia. The World Bank is reconsidering all of the free monopoly money it has been giving to china and for it to gain power to build suffragette skyscraper cities.

Trump stated that the World bank should end giving ability for China to rule the world with its one belt trade dominance and Chappel has studied and lived in China and can't believe the Washington Dc bank would continue to fund the growth of this undemocratic and repressive empire though loans and he compares it akin to the World Bank funding Germany and Japan in the few ears before World War II. China's rise could only occur through this treasonous  act and control manipulation of the World Bank likely wishing to propel a potential adversary as they hate America so much.
China desperately wishes to build a belt initiative and road plan where they can extort and consort trade and be the ultimate middlemen dominating all sorts of ports and trade pacts having more influence to push their authoritarian agenda. The World Bank needs to be taken over and dissolved by the feds if they continue to push and spread money to our worse enemies and enemies to freedom.

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