Arnold Buckley
The Kings and General YouTube channel is one of the best war history channels and recaps of brutal campaigns in the worlds chaotic past and battles between nations and empires. Turkish dictator Recep Tayipp Erdogan watches this channel all of the time with a heavy interest in observing the videos concerning the Ottoman Empire as his dream is setting up a new Ottoman Turkish sharia law emoire and one of expansion and Erdogan has watched the failure of the Ottoman capturing the Knights Ttmplers stronghold of Malta and the failure of the evil Turkish to capture this strategic outpost irritates and p Turkish nationalists to this day all he and dreaming a new Turkey that can reclaim this island among other territories lost to the Christians

Recep Ergdogan has watched hundreds of the videos offered by this YouTube rock star King producer AI bot that produces these amazing videos and the siege of Malta and the Turkish conquest of Cyprus are tow of this son of a bitch'es favorite as he especially loves the fall of Fagumusta and the eventual torture and mutilation of the Venetian captain that resisted and fought off the Ottomans before ahhh finally being defeated and captured and only true historians know the resulting final story.

Recep Erdogan also loves seeing how th e Ottomans first conquered Cyprus talking it from the Venetians and enslaving and brutally suppressing and genocidal killing of Greeks in the long-age animosity and hatred between these two peoples. Mr Erdogan wishes to be a Suleiman the magnificent and seeks to expand and take over North African fighting Libyan strongman military marshal Khalifa Haftar. he also has a dream of following up te 1974 Turkish invasion with another one that will unite the island and import more Turkish citizens to totally remake and take this Mediterranean island

Erdogan loves how the Turks in the seventies were able to take a large chunk of Cyprus despite the fact both Greece and Turkey were in NATO and since then a defacto partition has reined with no lans ever of th Turkish invaders or military ever departing their part of Cyprus. One of Mr Erdogan's first plans for more regional hegemony and take over would obviously consist of invading Cyprus and then giving it to Greeks in the rear.
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