Rundown Live jag fags Kristan Harris and Mike Pacnesky often warn about the UN agenda 21 of these Asian Indian and Pakistan immigrant authoritarians and Democrats an now a recent Virginia proposal sheds new light into this danger as rotten Indian Ibraheem Samirah is attempting to bring more dense housing to the suburbs and this annoyed the Rn Down Live fags as they came aboard their alternative news network and blasted this fucking dirty Indian house delegate who wants to crowd you put of your suburb and politically change and manipulate the legislation putting Cabrini Green style public gang housing for Blacks and ore luxury ponzi scheme condos for wealthy Brown and Yellow people to come and invest take over. Basically this scumb bag whore and other high rise condo industrial complexes and ponzi scemes for immigrants denser advocates desire not to see any Americans with single family homes and take over the space and bring in all of fucking
Calcutta to come to America and they can profit and exploit on our shores. This woman needs ot be put in a prison camp in Cuba or Alaska and it is diversity corrupt Democratic foreign based agents like Ibrheem Samirah and their hunger for change that needs to be resisted and fought back ad for years Mike Pacnesky and Kristan Harris have been warning their listeners of the United Nations and their new set policies of change they wish to do upon America. Ibraheem Samirah is a terrorist sympathizer and an enemy from within whose very goal and hope is total complete e takeover

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