John Kerry overheard he is thinking of entering 2020 presidential race and preventing a communist Bernie Sanders from winning

    Cody Maloney
   John Kerry was caught on video and audio ta referring to Bernie Sanders as political scum and one f the most dangerous individuals ever to get this amount of coverage and follower ship . make no mistake Bernie Sander sis a rotten  soul one of the most dangerous individuals ever to rn for the White House as he is a racist,a homphobe, and misogynist (doesn't  believe a woman should rn for president) an asshole and someone who in a few years or if luckier months will be dead form natural causes. Bernie Sanders is older than the statue of Liberty and is the most incompetent man ever to be considered a serous candidate thanks from international money meddling in American elections trying to bring about a economic and morale decline of the United States. 
John Kerry doesn't like the direction this 2020 race is going and he sees much more of a threat to this nation with a victory and administration headed by the communist from Vermont nd Bernie becoming president than four or eight more yeas of Donald Trump. John Kerry is seriously considering running for president and doing what he can to derial this express train of international socialism funneling millions and millions of US dollars into the campaign  of Bernie Vermont in order for Bernie's team to spend it on the medi and the fake manipulative polls
 Mr Kerry is a war veteran who fought communists and he knows a commie bastard or one working for them to infiltrate and destroy America from within and without a doubt Benjamin Sanders is a clueless fuck who would just take orders from fucking Beijing and Moscow much like past Democratic administrations and Kerry knows the repremendiable damage a Bernie Sanders has done and continues to do for America democracy and this political party. Bernie Sanders goals are much better suited for a third party and he should be in the Green party.,the socialist party or the American communist party as geriatric Bernie is a major disorder on our political spectrum. 

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