Thom Hartmann says all of Michael Bloomberg followers on-line are bots and calls for the change of the Arkansas flag

Rusty Stone
    first of all I want to thank the producers at the Adopt a Beast for hiring me and adding me to a growing list of contributors on this amazing webzine. I hope to bring my own persona objective journalism to this often bias partisan blog where the writers are divided up ad have nothing but disdain for one another. Thom Hartmann said sometime in a short three minute video that typically I found hypercritical as is most  the time listening  o this far-left radical piece of shit wind bag. Mr Hartmann is a virtual talking Coronovirus and he complained how his program suffered an attack of bots calling into his radio program and blasting him on-line in the comments sections of the various
propaganda sites and YouTube comment feed of this turds horrible videos. The hypocrisy of Mr Hartmann complaining of right-wing trolls and fake accounts along with Mr Bloomberg's supposedly surge in spending for bots and bits for Macedonia is bullshit and bear shit combined because libtard bots have long existed and most of twitter is made up of these fake on-line leftist accounts that troll and meddle in topics themselves has we ave done an investigation ad most left-wing comment seem to have a short internet twitter history and appeared to be made by software. Hartmann lied in saying that all of Michael Bloomberg's money and following is going into twitter,Facebook, and other on-line social media sites and Mr Bloomberg has no following. Hogwash. If they were not so concerned about the ability of Michael Bloomberg exposing the radiclness of these awful fake Democrat Green party members they would not be attacking and viciously smearing this successful businessman.
Thom Hartman also called the state of Arkansas out for having a racist flag with the Confederacy vars still organized in a different manner and pushed the idea o this ugly new flag design paying tribute to the 5000 Native Americans still in the state of Arkansas. Hartmann is a jag fag that collects a database of his callers and the conservatives who call in often have their phone number blacked off on a do not answer or allow list and the progressive hob nobbers that agree with the liberal insanity are often encouraged and given a green light for calls in the future as Mr Hartmann basically told his audience of the self censorship of callers onto his own program and is primarily why an overwhelming of his callers just repeat his socialist talking points. Mr Hartmann suffers from a brain disease called the Trump Syndrome complex and it now appears for the far-left propaganda a broadcasters a new disease is taking affect and it is called the Bloomberg Money politicas as these shits rare so triggered by the capitalists wealth and his desire to train wreck the leftist internationally funded campaigns of Elizabeth Warner and Bernie Sanders and call out the socialism agenda and attempted  train wrecking of our nation by such nefarious forces.

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