Anthony Brian Logan blasted Anthony Fauci and called his a little worm and that if Fauci every tried to speak to him about social distancing or flatten the curve men like him will get a right cross fist. Anthony Logan rightfully says that this health hazard virus is attempt by the left to manipulate elections in a desperate attempt to serve China and help elect officials who unlike Trump would once again give unfair trade advantages and wealth to the Chinese communists. Logan says while we have the freedom to drive about and get out there are no places to go to and the local governments
controlled by radical Democrats are seeking ways to eventually place martial law and permanent lockdowns upon society as some sort of revenge against the American people from China and Dr Anthony Fauci is directly leading to these lies from the CDC that will eventually put us on a path towards totalitarianism in this country. ABL says that they have made it virtually impossible to go anywhere aside form the shitty liquor,Convenience, and cigarette stores and all this reminds him of the program Beavis and Butthead where they just hung around the gas stations and loitered on a Saturday night with noting else to do.

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