Frank Banks IV
Three University of Albany Lying hate crime Jussie Smollett whores some years ago lied an made fake news that they were the victims of a hate crime attack in Syracuse, New York as these university of Albany racial identity obsessed compulsive liars were on a bus and they were the ones who made the racial abuse and attack Asha Burwell and two other hos named Alexis Briggs and Ariel Aguido made up fabricated claims that racial epithets were thrown towards their large asses instead as the cameras proved it being the other way around and surveillance cameras and objects are calling out the truth and making claims of lies long gotten away with by racial minorities as mostly the bullshit it always was in the past before cameras. Asha Burwell ad the hos are long kicked out of the University of Albany

New York and attempted t be a singing group some years after this incident and form last word we hear some of them are now and internet whores selling their asses ,mouths,hands, and pusses for men on Backpage. The egregious actions of these three women were unbelievable and typical of the far left and the reverse racial lies and abuse directed towards what people and then fabricated lies attempted and Asha Burwell and these to other sluts receive the condemnation and now whoreship that they deserve making some bucks renting rooms and being fuck holes.

these whores should really been given the book and the seriousness of fake hate crime needs to be taken more serious with more felonious prosecutions and mandatory of three or more years per incident as these fake hate crimes are indeed hate crimes against the victims and race it claims is making these unreal attacks and does nothing but spread fear and hate against the racial supposed perpetrators. These three bimbos should really have taken their racial revenge racism energy and done something more productive perhaps in music and they could of been some Destiny's trio child group or TLC if they loss a few pounds and practiced their vocal management instead of their anger management agianst their whit student peers.

The crimes of these three black stooges was long suppressed and ignored by th media which undoubtedly gave or time and local media attention to the original claimant so these three whore when the fake news first broke that these three idiots made claim calling the police and media about the things that did not happen to them and of which they made up. One can see the lies and evils in the eyes of thee women especially this monster Asha who looks like Hutu crazed spear killer of Tutsi and the same hatred seen in Rwanda was something these three fabricators wished to spread in America and why these women and their crimes need to be taken so seriously and these women should really be deplatformed off craigslist or Skip the games if they are still working their tails and ars on it .
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